Chapter 1 "Walking"

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Walking back from the last job natsu and lucy were sure tired but they both were excited to go on the next job as soon as they could.
But man were Lucy's feet sore the way back home was a 2 day trip let alone on foot but natsu had insisted that walking would be more effective. Lucy obviously knew it wasn't better to get home faster but for natsu's sake it was better and probably better for her too for then she didn't have to miserably watch natsu lose his lunch that she once again payed for.
Ever since lucy joined the guild she went on jobs with natsu even though he was annoying, stupid and super disruptive he was her best friend well him and levy that is.
The two of them kept walking for hours just to get back home.
But then lucy had a good idea she quickly snatched natsu's blanket from off his back and summoned a wonderful friend.
"OPEN GATE OF THE CLOCK HOROLOGIUM!!!" Lucy yelled quite loudly as she almost instantly got comfortable and warm.
"Hey luc you wanna take a break and camp out tonight?" Natsu asked lucy cheerfully.
"Zzzzzz... she says quite tiredly." Horologium reply to natsu's question.
"Man she already fell asleep..." natsu thought to himself not realizing his flustered smile while glancing at lucy asleep.

"Hey happy you getting tired to?!" Natsu asked happy.
"Y-yea" happy said with a stutter trying his best not to fall asleep completely yet.
"Okay then.." Natsu says kinda annoyed they weren't home yet.
"Ehh its whatever then" Natsu says as he sets up a quick campfire and makes a bed for lucy.
"Horologium could you close your gate now.?" Natsu asks quite Eager to help lucy get to bed so they could get home faster. Without one word Horologium closes his gate and natsu picks up sleeping lucy.
"Man lucy is adorable" natsu thinks to himself while blushing.
After natsu sets lucy down he lays next to her and drifts off into his slumber before he realizes.

the dragon bloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora