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As Lucy would slowly open her eyes the surrounding light would shock her. "Natsu!" She would jolt up rapidly looking around for any signs of natsu but it was no luck.
She would fight to break the shackles on her wrists that held her down ultimately failing. "Let me go! God dammit!!" Lucy would scream as she'd continue to fight for freedom.
With her quivering chin, trembling lips and shaking shoulders she would start to rapid blinking to clear the tears that had started to well up in her eyes. "N-natsu..." Lucy would say with a quiver filling her voice and her throat began to tighten up.

"I miss Lucy" Happy would say as his whinny voice would be a ringing in Natsu's ears.
  "I know I know me too" Natsu would say sounding slightly annoyed as he would continue to scour the surrounding area for any sign of Lucy.
"HaHa SeEms yOu ReAlly haVe nO idEa wHats goInG oN dO YoU?!!"  A thundering rhythmic voice would Echo through the atmosphere.
Natsu would rapidly look around in hopes to follow the unique voice that was ringing in the air as he would spot a tall dark figure with a large grin plastered on its face.
Natsu would immediately charge at the figure as it would seemingly fade into a shadow of pure mist.
"AwWe NaTSu thAt iS nO wAY To taLK tO YoUr fAthER NoW iS iT" The figure would say as it would reach out to grab Natsu.
"CoMe gIve pApa A hUg wHy doNT yOu~"

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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