Chapter 4 "Key"

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Lucy still scared followed natsu as they all walked into the empty town.
"Where is everyone..?" Lucy asked confused.
"I don't know but I sure am hungry!!" Natsu said quite loud as he held his growling stomach.
"Now is not the time Natsu.." Lucy said as worry struck the tone of her usually soft voice.
As Natsu and lucy kept on walking Natsu stepped on something that was gold and shinny.
As he went to see what it was he quickly called for Lucy. "Hey luc is this one of your gate keys??!"
As lucy heard Natsu she ran up to him. "What why is there a gate key here??!" She said to herself extremely confused.
Just as lucy went to pick up the key her gate keys started to dissolve into the air.
"Lucy what's going on with you keys...?" Happy asked with confusion.
"What do you mean?!!" She asked sounding annoyed as she looked and saw what was happening.
While they were all distracted by Lucy's Keys a man appeared next to lucy as he leaned over her solder she jumped and proceeded to yell. "Who the hell are you????!!!!!" She asked quickly in a panic.
As Natsu saw the man he went to attack him but the weird man doged Natsus attack as sand started to circle him and lucy.
"Ahh get your gross hands off of me!!" Lucy yelled before everything went silent. As Natsu blinked the man and lucy disappeared with no trace.

***Authors note:***
**Sorry I haven't been writing as much as usually. To be completely honest my writing seems to be terrible to me so I have a hard time writing. But anyways thank you so much for reading the next part will be out hopefully soon. ❤️**

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