Ch 15: Dinner and a late-night rendezvous

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I am sure it made my heart skip multiple beats. The familiar redhead was now in dress pants and a white floral shirt. Ok, I couldn't be more turned on. The white shirt perfectly highlighted her red hair and her black eyes. I think it's the first time I have seen her in white and she looks like an angel in it!

She clears her throat indicating to me that I was staring. She turned around quickly but not before I saw the slight redness on her cheeks. Jesus, she was so cute blushing! I saw Mike who was dressed in a blue button-down and had his classic grin on his face.

"Hey man, lookin' good," he says patting my shoulder. "You too man," I say but honestly the image of Scar wouldn't leave my mind. I saw her in the kitchen putting food for fur in his bowl. He was beside her waiting patiently for his meal. That was one well-trained shep there.

I saw Ace coming, parking his car on the lawn, and coming in. He had shades on. Like seriously, who puts shades at this time? He greeted Mike and went into the kitchen to Scar. "Someone looks fancy," he said with a smirk. Scar saw him and instantly a smile appeared on her face.

"You shouldn't be saying that while you look like that," she said pointing at him. Ace was wearing a white button-down shirt and dark blue jeans. "But honestly when did you turn into a girl ?" he chuckled pulling her into a side hug. "When did you turn into a jackass?" she chuckled hugging him back.

I saw him lean down and say something in her ear and she chuckled at it. What did he say? The burn in my chest was back again.

We reached the restraint and went to a booth. I was hoping she would sit beside me, but of course, she had to sit beside Acey poo! She sat across me and gave me a cute smile. The waitress came to take our orders.

It was obvious she was being over-friendly with Mike but he didn't seem to mind a bit. We all were trying so hard to not laugh while she was openly flirting with Mike, who also played along the flirting.

The second she left, we all burst out laughing. "You guys can laugh as much as you want but ain't none of you getting a lady tonight!" he said showing us a paper with a number written on it.

"When did she give you that?" Scar asked astonished. "Doesn't matter, all that matter's right now is that I am getting laid baby," he says and we all end up laughing. Mike wasn't a playboy, neither of us were. We didn't do serious relationships and that's it. That didn't mean that we would beat around every bush. But sometimes we wanted fun too.

The dinner was lovely. The food there was great and I made a note to visit that place again. While coming back home Scar sat in the back with me because Ace, like the kid he is, called shotgun. And I had no problem with that.

We were all tired and neither of us spoke up. She looked so pretty with her hair flowing along with the wind. She looked towards me a few times and smiled. It made my cheeks burn up. She has no idea what she does to me.

She eventually fell asleep. I hoped it was on my shoulder but she was leaned against the window. She looked so calm and tranquil. We soon reached home and Mike took her to her room. I went home satisfied with today. She made me happier and I had this feeling around her which I can't explain but it feels good.

I was on my bed and slowly darkness was taking over. "Jack" "Jack" tuck..tuck.. "Jack" I woke suddenly and looked around to see who woke me up. No one. "Jack, are you asleep?" I knew that voice too well now. I ran to my window and opened it to see Scar sitting on her window side, making another paper ball.

"You don't have to throw paper balls at my window at 1 at night ok, you could have just called me," I say and she instantly smiles looking at me. "Sorry, did I wake you up?" she asks with a frown. "of course not, I was just doing some stuff" I lied. I didn't want her to feel guilty for waking me up.

"Oh, you could go back to work. I didn't mean to disturb" she says in a low voice. I chuckle at that, "It was nothing, so tell me, for what do I owe your presence, my lady?" I ask in an accent.

"I wasn't able to sleep. Wanna go for a walk?" she asks. I honestly didn't expect that at all. I would love to walk. Suddenly walking became my favorite thing to do. "Sure, meet me down in 5," I say winking at her. I put on some sweatpants considering I was in my boxers and went down.

She was waiting for me outside with her hoodie on. "So wanna go to the park?" I say going to her. "yup" she said popping her p. "So Jack I don't know much about you, tell me more about the Jack Daniel Ritz," she asked curiosity clear on her face.

  "You want to know about me?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. "Yeah, I don't know much about you and I would love to know more." She says with a smile.

  "Ok, what about we play 21 questions. We both could get to know each other. What do you say?" I ask and she nods. "Ok, I'll start. What's your favorite color and why?" I ask. She puts her hand on her chin as though she was thinking deep and says "Red, cause it depicts strength and braveness. But also is love and blood". I didn't expect such a deep answer.

"Wow, that's nice. Mine is yellow, cause it just shows happiness and light. And freshness" I say within one go and she nods at it.

"Now my turn, crushes?" she asks smirking. "Interested, are we?" I chuckled. "but no. not currently. I had two girlfriends. In middle school and one in high school. But we ended for good. After that no one." I say shrugging.

I wish I could just tell her how much I liked her. But I knew that would only make things weird between us, and when the right time comes I will tell her. She didn't say anything yet so I broke the silence.

"What about you? Any male interests?" I ask nudging her shoulder. "You already know that no one talks to me at school. And at the rink, everyone is way older than me. So nope" she gave a small smile.

"ok my turn, my turn. What do you like the most about this place?" I ask as we sit on one of the park benches. "umm, I don't know. I have been here my entire life. And this place reminds me of my childhood. Of mom and dad." She almost whispers the end.

"What about you, what do you like in this place?" she asks reducing the tension. "I really like New York, but this place gave me something I never found in there," I say now looking at the dark sky. "It gave me a family Scar. In New York, mum was all I had. But here I have Mikey, and I have you. I would like to presume that I have Ace too." I say and look at Scar who was intently looking at me.

She didn't say anything for a while. "Jack," she said abruptly. "yes Scar" I was looking at the sky and I knew she was too.

"Mike considers you are a brother you know. He somehow grew attached to you. And even though he doesn't show but Acey likes you too. And I think you are very different" she still wasn't looking at me.

"Is it a good thing or bad thing ?" I ask now looking at her. "I don't know. I didn't decide yet. But we consider Jonah and you like a family too." She says placing her head on my shoulder.

I felt a warm feeling in myself. We didn't speak for a while, but the silence was also peaceful. And I realized something at that moment. That's this is what I want. I want her beside me. And a family to look forward to home. I want someone who makes me feel at home. I realized that I had fallen hard for this lioness. My lioness.


Hey, lovelies!

They are adorable, aren't they!? I have something very interesting coming up. Keep following pps!


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