Tic Tak Toe

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*Nate's pov*

After getting home from the hospital and having that huge misunderstanding with that guard who thought Toby was a dog like my old master was, and the guard did not realize that I was in no danger since Toby was my new bodyguard, guess not everyone had caught word about that small detail.

Let's just say I'm a bit traumatized from witnessing Toby getting shot and the recent death of that old lady has taken a large toll on me, all these bad things keep happening and I have begun to revert back to my old self. Toby immediately noticed my change in behavior and had me go to Yugo to talk about how I have been feeling about things, I was against the idea but I ended sitting in Yugo's office at the back of the medical wing in a sour mood.

"I don't wanna talk about it..."I grumbled as Yugo waited for me to tell him what has been happening.

"Alright, how about we try something else, a game perhaps?" Asked Yugo as I tilted my head "what's a game?" I asked in confusion and Yugo smiled.

"It's like an activity to pass time, games can be fun or boring, however, that all depends on how you play the game" stated Yugo as I was still slightly confused but I agreed to play this game thingy.

"Alrighty, this game is called Tic Tac Toe, to win you need to get three X's in a row, this could be up, down, or diagonally, every time you win you can get a piece of candy" stated Yugo as I nodded, I personally loved the candies Yugo had and I was determined to win a few.

"so what if you win Yugo? I'm sure you don't want candy as your prize?" I asked as I gazed up at Yugo with slightly dilated eyes.

"Well I do want to know what has made you so upset over the few days that you have been home" stated Yugo as I thought about it and it was a fair trade for this game, I get candies and Yugo gets the information he wants, either way, we both win.

"Alright, let's play" I stated as I marked down where I wanted my first X on this grid and watched as Yugo placed his O right next to mine, after a minute I huffed as Yugo won this round.

"I'll get you next time" I stated as I picked up my plush wolf sitting next to me and I hugged it tightly as I waited for Yugo to ask his 1st question.

"Alright Nate, what major events have made you feel uncomfortable lately?" Asked Yugo as I immediately had an answer.

"Toby getting shot, Mrs. Coop dying, Oh, and my pain" I stated as Yugo wrote my answer's down on the clipboard, and then we played again, this time I was the victor and I happily snatched a candy from the candy jar on the table and set the candy beside the wolf plush on the couch 

"Mrs. Coop was very nice to me in the hospital, she understood why I was so upset with the nurses and doctors, she felt the same way but she was much calmer than I was about it" I stated while we played another round and Yugo lost again and gave me another candy.

"Was this the lady who gave you your wolf plush?" Asked Yugo as I nodded.

"We spent our free time together at the hospital library, she told me that her daughter's adopted son was a wolf and that she wasn't as close to him as she would like to have been with him. We were supposed to talk more about it the next time we met, and I was to tell her more about me but she suddenly became sick and passed away." I stated as I grabbed the wolf plush and hugged it tightly again as I tried to focus on winning this round of the game.

"She sounds like a lovely lady, it's sad that she passed away" stated Yugo as I nodded and took another candy from the jar after winning. We played again and Yugo won.

"What made you upset when Toby was injured the other day?" Asked Yugo as I flinched at the thought of the incident.

"When I was with my Master, people would always get shot and a lot of death would happen during these jobs, I blame myself for Toby's injuries because I asked to see his wolf form out of curiosity. I don't want to see people getting hurt, especially those who I have grown to trust, even if it's just a little" I stated as Yugo wrote down my answers.

"My wounds have also been bothering me, they're a bit painful and normal painkillers aren't working well for the pain" I stated as Yugo looked a bit concerned.

"May I check your wounds?" Asked Yugo as I nodded, I was actually going to bring up my pain to Yugo a few days ago but it always slipped my mind. 

"Well your wounds look fine, I'll give you a higher dosage of painkillers, Come to me if your pain returns" stated Yugo as I nodded and we continued the game.

"Is there anything else bothering you?" Asked Yugo as I thought for a few minutes.

"not really those have been the main things bothering me...but...I want to get to know Toby some more but I don't know how to go about asking him" I stated but noticed that Yugo had an amused smile on his face and I frowned

"It's stupid I know" I grumbled as I hugged my wolf close.

"No, no, it's good that you want to know Toby better, how about you try and ask him about what he does in his free time?" Stated Yugo as I nodded and with that, we called it a day. I went back to my room and took a nap since Toby had gone back to his house with his dad since there was a family emergency or something and he needed to go.

"Nate buddy, wake up" called a voice as I opened my tired eyes and stared at Jake and Justin as they were sitting on the bed beside me and I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

"Sorry to wake you Nate, but I and Justin are going into town and wanted to see if you'd like to come with us" stated Jake as I perked my ears up and nodded.

"Sure" I stated as they smiled and left the room as I quickly threw on some clean clothes and brushed my mangy bed hair then left the room and met up with Jake and Justin who were talking to Toby's dad in the hallway.

"Where is Toby?" I asked as the group snapped their heads to me and I flinched.

"Oh hey Nate, Toby's still at the house helping his mother, he'll probably be back later tonight or tomorrow" stated Toby's dad as I nodded and followed Jake and Justin to the car and we headed into town.

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