he's MINE! (1)

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“So, do you drink tea, and eat scones and stuff?” A blonde boy sat at the front of the classroom gawked at me. He pronounced scone 'sc-oooh-nes'

I rolled my eyes. “Yes. But that's just me. Tea is a healthy and nutritious drink, and scones,” I put extra emphasis on the correct pronunciation of scone. “are a very yummy snack. Not all English people like Tea.”

“Do you know the Queen?” A girl with red hair piped up from the back of the room.

“No.” I said flatly. I wasn't even going to expand on that.

“Do you know David Beckham?” A well built boy next to her looked at me.

“Nope.” I shrugged.

“Did you used to live in a castle?” The same boy who asked about tea piped up again.

“Yes.” I replied sarcasticly. Excited rumours filled the room. “Whoa! Guys! Note the sarcasm!”

“Is it true all English men are gay?” A girl with bleached blonde hair asked with a smirk on her face. She was clearly expecting me to say yes.

I let out a short laugh. “Seriously?” The girl who asked nodded vigorously. “No!” I laughed.

“But I heard-” She started. I held up a hand cutting her off.

“Well, you clearly heard wrong. Don't believe everything you hear. I heard that all American people say 'like' every other word, and are fat, lazy and speak like Barbie. But obviously your not like that.” I turned to face the teacher. “Can we be done here?” I pleaded.

“I think you have one more question...” He said hesitantly, eyeing a boy with shaggy brown hair seated near a window. “But then you can take your seat!” Mr Goldsworthy finished brightly. I groaned inwardly.

“Okay, shoot.” I mumbled reluctantly.

“Say something in British.” He grinned at me.

“Like what?” I was slightly taken aback. I could have sworn I was talking English...

“Say goodbye!”

“Okay then.” I raised an eyebrow. “Bye.” I did slight jazz-hands as I said it.

“No!” He whined, “That's not what I meant! I meant something like- What-ho, old chap! And Cheerio old bean!”

“No one says that.” I said, suddenly very bored.

“That might be quite enough for one day, perhaps, Scarlett? Your seat is next to Noah.” He pointed to the far back of the room, where a boy with messy blonde hair that fell into light blue eyes sat. I quickly made my way over and sat down. After about a minute, a bell signalling the end of 'homeroom' sounded. I was out the door faster than a bullet, and wandered towards my first lesson. My timetable told me I had Calculus. In the opposite end of the building. I groaned, and headed back the way I just came. Suddenly, I collided with a hard wall.

“Ow!” I yelped, drawing back from the person I had just walked into. “Watch it!”

“I think you'll find you just walked into me.” He raised an eyebrow. The boy had sharp grey eyes, and short brown hair. He was well toned, but there was something about him that told you to stay away! In capital letters.

“Well you shouldn't have been there for me to walk into.” I snapped. I took a step to the left to walk around him. He mirrored me. I took a step back to the right and so did he. I sighed.

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