he's MINE! (4)

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Jayde's P.O.V

“Carlie!” I called down the hall. “CARLIE!” Scarlett kept walking. I sighed impatiently, and ran up behind her.

“CARLIE!” I shrieked in her ear. She screamed, and jumped about a foot away from me.

“Jayde! What the hell?” She scowled at me, and ripped out her ear buds. That would explain why she wasn't listening to me before.

“I dunno... you weren't waiting sooooo,” I trailed off with a shrug. “Anyway, Tara said you skipped out on home room.” I linked arms with her, and she glared at me.

“I was busy.” She muttered, her cheeks going slightly pinker.

“Suuuuuuuure.” For a few moments there was an awkward silence between us. “Your not going to tell me what happened are you?” I stated the obvious.

“Nope.” She popped the 'p' sound.

“C'mon, Carlie!”

“Why do you call me that?” Scarlett mused.

“What? Carlie? Well, in case you hadn't noticed Scarlett is a pretty long name.” I explained.

“Yeah, I know. But I mean, everyone back home just called me Red, or Lottie. I've never been called Carlie before.”

“Red? Why would they-” I was cut off my a look from Scarlett. “Oh.”

“But Carlie is quite a long name as well.” She pointed out.

“I guess so. Damn girl, did you have to shoot down my idea?” I whined.

“I'm not complaining...” She held up her hands showing her innocence.

“DEE!” Esme hollered as we walked into the crowded Cafeteria. My head snapped over to our usual table. I began to tug Scarlett over to the lunch line but she hung back.

“I was wondering if you'd you me a favour?” She said hesitantly

“Sure thing, sweetie. What's up?” I replied, looking over today's menu. Wraps, Meatloaf, or Salad.

“Ikndfhvtostwthjketdy.” She mumbled.​​​​​

“Sorry, what?”

“Jake wants me to sit with him today.” She whispered. “Please come with me?”

“Babe, you don't have to sit with him. He can't make you if you don't want to. Just sit with us. I doubt he's even noticed your in the room.” I shrugged, and paid for a wrap. Scarlett did the same. Our usual table was in the far corner of the room, next to a large window. As we walked over, Scarlett attempted to hide behind me, drawing more attention to her.

“Quit it! Your just making every one look at you weirdly!” I hissed. Immediately she straightened up.

“Hey guys!” Esme smiled at us as we took a seat. “What's up?”

“Carlie promised to sit with Jake, but she doesn't want to.” I said casually, tucking into my chicken wrap. Scarlett gaped at me.

“What?! OH EM GEE! When did this happen?” Peyton squealed, and raised her eyebrows suggestively.

“NO WAY!” Tara suddenly yelped “Thats why you weren't in homeroom wasn't it?!”

“Shut up!” Scarlett hissed. “Way to be subtle!”

“Oh calm down would you?” Esme scolded “It's not like he's seen you or anything, he's not even in the cafeteria!” Scarlett's tense figure immediately relaxed.

“Oh, no wait. Here he is...” I pointed across the room, to where 5 very hot guys had walked in. Jake looked over at that moment, and noticed me pointing. Craaaaaaaaap, I thought, Carlie's going to kill me!

“Don't look now, but Jake's spotted you.” I whispered. Scarlett went red, and looked around franticly.

“I need somewhere to hide!” She panicked. “Help me!”

Scarlett's P.O.V

“Gladly.” A deep voice said from behind me.

“Bloody hell...” I muttered.

“Tut tut, I expect better from you Lottie.” Jake scolded. “What happened to our little deal huh?”

“If you remember, I didn't agree.” I snapped.

“Touché. You don't mind if me and a few friends join you ladies, do you?” Jake directed at the table. Esme nodded vigorously. Several chairs were scraped around, and enough room was made for the 5 jocks to squeeze around our table. I glared at Esme, who gave me an appologetic look, before turning to flirt with a brunette boy sat beside her.

Jake slung an arm around my shoulders. “What are we doing this weekend then?”

“Nothing.” I snapped, and shoved his arm off me.

“Really? That sounds great, but I was thinking we could go to the beach.” He frowned

“That sounds great! Doesn't it Carlie?” Jayde intercepted, before I could say anything.

“No.” I mumbled, whilst an enthusiastic 'yes' went around the table. “I hate you, Jake.” I hissed.

He ruffled my hair and shook his head. “No you don't.”

“Do.” I smirked.

“Don't.” He grinned back.

“Whatever.” I rolled my eyes, deciding I didn't want to get into that again. “Who's Esme talking to?” I leant closer to Jake to whisper in his ear.

“Carter Andrews.” He looked down at me. Suddenly I noticed how close our lips were, and I sprung away from him. He laughed, and slid his arm back over my shoulders again.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged him off. “Stop it.” Jake shook his head and put his arm back where it was. I really couldn't shake this boy off...


Okay, i know not much happens in this chapter, but hey ho... :L


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