he's MINE! (2)

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"DAD! I'm home!" I called, dumping my things beside the stairs.

"Hey, sweet-pea!" He poked his head around the door of the kitchen, "How was your first day?"

"Today was..." I rummaged around in my head for an appropriate word to describe today. "Livley."

"That's nice. Do you think you could set the table please? We have some neighbours coming over for dinner." 

"It's quarter to five. What time are we eating?" I slipped into the kitchen and hoisted myself up onto the island. 

"6:30." I watched as my dad rolled out a large sheet of pasta. "We're having lasagne." 

"Yummy!" I pushed off the counter, and collected the plates from a cupboard. I set the table quickly, and skipped up the stairs into my room.

I did my homework for an hour, to get it out of the way, before I realised I should probably get dressed.

I decided that I should at least make an effort for our neighbours. No point giving my family a bad reputation on our second week here. I chose a navy floral striped dress, with a belt to bring it in around the waist. I slipped on some leather sandals. I decided to curl my blonde hair gently around the tips. I framed my dark blue eyes with some natural eye shadow and mascara. By the time I was done, it was 6:15pm.

"Lottie!" My dad called up the stairs. "Our guests are here!" I quickly checked my appearance, before carefully walking down to meet everyone.

"Hello. You must be Scarlett! I've heard a lot about you!" A lady with a short brown bob, and big dark eyes greeted me.

"Urm, Hi." I smiled awkwardly. When had she heard a lot about me?

"Lottie, this is Beatrice. Our next door neighbour." Dad elbowed me in the ribs, signalling for me to shake her hand.

Just then, the front door swung open, to reveal a blonde haired boy with pale blue eyes. Noah.

"Oh, Scarlett, you must meet my son! Noah, this is Scarlett, she-"

"I know who she is mom. She sit's by me in homeroom." Noah cut in, giving his mother an odd look. One I couldn't quite place.

"Beatrice, would you like some wine?" Dad quickly changed the topic, whisking her away into the kitchen.

Another awkward silence hung in the air, before I broke it.

"Do you want to go into the living room?" I asked nervously.

"Sure." Noah shrugged.

He followed me into our small lounge.

"You can sit down you know." I laughed slightly, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"I know." He shrugged, and plopped down on the sofa.

"So..." I started

"I heard that you and Jake Matthews made out in one of those alcoves today." He said lightly, as though it where something to slip into everyday conversation.

"What?!" I gasped.

"Yeah. It's been going round the whole school. I'd watch out tomorrow. I think some of the jocks are going to see if they can get you to do the same with them." He explained.


"And watch out for Dawn. Jake is her property." He finished, leaning back on the sofa.

"Okay 1) I didn't make out with Jake. I was hiding from my friends, and he decided to try and rape me. 2) If anyone try's anything with me, they can expect not to have children. 3) Dawn Hill is going to kill me isn't she?" I finished, sinking down next to Noah.

He contemplated my impending doom for a moment or two, before saying, "Probably."

I groaned and slumped forwards. "I really don't need this right now!" 

"It's okay. I doubt Dawn can do much to you. I mean it was your first day today, and already everyone knows your name." He sat forwards. "That's got to be good, right?"

"How did that even get around the school anyway?" 

"Jake told Taylor. Taylor told anyone who'd listen." 

"What?" I gritted my teeth. Jake Matthews was going to regret this...


Sorry this one is so short! Tell me what you guys think? Taaaaaaaaaah :)

LOVE YOU! xxxx

Okay, ive seen a lot of people doing this little cast thing down the side of the page, but being me, i cant work out how to do that :L sooo....

Scarlett James- Taylor Momsen

Jake Matthews- Ulliel Gaspard

Noah French- Alex Pettyfer

Esme Spark- Selena Gomez

Jayde Johnson- Lauren London

Peyton Arceleo- Hayden Panettiere 

Rhianna MacArthur- Alexis Bledel

Tara Summers- Kirsten Dunst

Dawn Hill- Nikki Reed

Louise Weston- Tara Reid

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