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Both Stevie and Tori woke up to Lily yapping at the foot of the bed. 

"Oh my god, did I fall asleep in here. I'm so sorry." Tori gasps.

"Baby it's totally fine. I was kind of glad that you did." Stevie shrugs.

"Um, I think Lily has to go out. I'll take her what do I do?" She asks.

"Just stick her out the door in the kitchen. She'll be fine. While you're doing that, I'll go down and start making coffee. What time is it?" She asks looking at the alarm clock "10:45. Normally Karen just takes her out when she gets here but I sent her on Holiday leave." 

"I was wondering where she was." Tori sighs.

"I threatened her job that night." Stevie looks down and starts picking at her tan comforter. 

"Jeez, I didn't mean to get her fired." Tori bites her lip.

"You didn't I just needed to cool down and figure out where we stood before I decided if it was really worth it, you know. I'll probably call her back to work in the New Year. I have shows and stuff. Which, I have to be in Nashville for New Year. What are you going to do?" Stevie asks as the pair make it downstairs.

"Lindsey and I have been trying to set up a time to get together. He asked me about New Years and I haven't given him a straight answer yet so I'll probably just go hang out with him...Stevie, I want to do the DNA tests together. Like all three of us go to the hospital at the same time." Tori cradles Lily in her arms.

"I'm sure we can arrange that. If that's what you want." Stevie nods as they enter the kitchen.

"It is what I want." Tori nods opening the backdoor.

"Alright, now let's talk about Breakfast. I can make a great omelet." 

"That actually sounds really good." Tori nods. 


As Tori was sifting through the clothes she hung up in her guestroom she was pouting. The showers at Stevie's house were amazing while the shower in her little tiny apartment was a mere trickle of water. She settled on a pair of dark wash jeans, a brown chiffon top and a long burgundy sweater and she bit her lip as she made her way downstairs. 

"What's the matter, honey?" Lori questions.

"Do either of you girls know how to do a French twist. I can do it on other people but I can't do it on myself." She asks.

"I do. Come sit." Stevie pats the empty barstool and stands up. 

As Stevie twisted Tori's hair a smile was prominent on her face. Sure she had done hair on many different people on many different occasions but it was different because this was her daughter and it felt really special. 

"Smile." Lori aims her iPhone at the two of them. They both do, neither of them complaining about the lack of makeup on their faces just happy to have that moment saved forever. 


Stevie was in the shower when Tori finished her makeup and came downstairs. 

"So my dear Aunt and Uncle, which one of you wants to help me with something?" Tori questions sitting between them on the couch. For being divorced the pair was awful friendly. 

"I'll do it what do you need?" He questions.

"We have to go to Walmart." She holds up her phone and her phone cable. 

He just cocks an eyebrow. 

"I want to give her a gift for Christmas. She's missed out on a lot of my life and though I didn't get to do a whole lot, I did get to go to Homecoming and Prom, I did graduate, I did get married, so I want to make her a picture book of those moments that a mother should've been around for. I know she's probably not going to get me anything but she did invite me over for Christmas." Tori shrugs. 

"Tori, she did get you a Christmas gift." Lori nods.

"I've not known her that long though." Tori shakes her head.

"That doesn't matter. She's your mother and whether you think so or not, she knows you." Lori assures.

"Alright Lor, cover for us we'll be back soon. Come on Kid." Chris motions with his head. 


While they were walking around Walmart Chris pointed something out to her.

"What?" She asks.

"Get it for your mom." 

"It's a gold elephant statue." She states.

"You like Elephants. There were a couple of statues in your apartment. If you get one for your mother, it'll be like giving her a little piece of you and she'll cherish it forever." Christopher tells her. 

"It is only ten dollars. Alright." Tori nods plopping it in their little basket. 

As they were getting ready to check out, Lindsey waved to them and Tori just stood there with her mouth open.

"What?" He asks.

"I did not expect you to be in Walmart." She shakes her head as he hugs her. 

"Well, I gotta get groceries somehow and since I'm having my Christmas with the kids tonight I needed to get some form of Christmas dinner and I can't cook for shit. Chris, it's good to see you. So I take it you worked things out with your mom?" Lindsey shakes Chris' hand. 

"Yeah, I did. I went to her house after we met at Starbucks. She asked me to spend Christmas with her. Reluctantly I said yes. Oh, Mom's going to be in Nashville for New Years and the rest of the Parkinson-Nicks' are going to be leaving on the twenty-ninth. Could we hang out on New Year's Eve or do you have your other kids?" She bites her lip.

"Nope, It's just going to be me. Look I've gotta get going but I'll text you later and we can work some details out." He nods.

"That's great. Also, I talked to mom and this is something the three of us have to figure out together. I know we're going to have to get DNA tests done. It's inevitable but I want the three of us to go get them done together." She tells him.

"That's fine. I'm free literally every day since I'm jobless now, so just let me know. Bye kiddo." Lindsey nods hugging her again. 

When they get into Tori's car, Chris turns to his niece. "He doesn't seem too thrilled." 

"I think before he does anything he wants the proof. And I understand that." Tori nods.

"Even if he doesn't take to you, my sister will." Chris winks as she pulls out of the parking lot. 

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