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March 2020

Laughter filled the kitchen as Stevie roughly chopped the lettuce and sprinkled it on whatever Mexican dish she had made. They were doing a Mexican week in the household. On Monday, Tori made tacos, Tuesday Stevie made Chicken Enchiladas, Wednesday Stevie made seven-layer burritos, Thursday was Stevie's Fiesta dip and chips with Lori's version of taco salad. Lori's version was ground beef, Doritos, cheese, taco seasoning, shredded lettuce, tomatoes, and sour cream. Tonight she didn't know what Stevie was making. It was like a layer of tortilla shells, then refried beans, hamburger, and shredded cheese. Then repeat. Then another layer of tortilla shells which Stevie smothered in queso. It was currently baking at 350 and Stevie was getting the garnishes done. 

Tori had done some digging about her mom and asked her things like what she was craving during her pregnancy, What repulsed her during pregnancy, how she handled morning sickness, and such simply because of Mallory. Mallory and her boyfriend Alec Hudson had found out that they were expecting in late January and they told everyone on the leap day of 2020. She's due in October and even though Tori was upset about her own baby, she started thinking about it more. So one night they were just watching the TV and she asked both Stevie and Lori. 

When Tori was pregnant, she hadn't reached the cravings portion,  but she did have a bunch of morning sickness and food aversions. She hated the smell of anything red meat cooking, but then again she was never a red meat kind of person. She'll eat hamburger but everything else that's red meat has to be cooked just right or she doesn't like it. She also hated eggs and peanut butter. As for the morning sickness, she ate Taco Bell to combat it. 

Stevie divulged that when she was pregnant, in the beginning, she wasn't throwing up so she had no inclination that she was pregnant except for a missed period and sensitive breasts. But after she found out and she got further along into her pregnancy, she noticed that some things would make her stomach do flips. She also did not like the smell of eggs cooking, she didn't like touching poultry, the feel of the chicken on her hands would not just make her queazy it would make her throw up, and she craved blueberry yogurt-surprisingly, somehow it's one of Tori's favorites-she craved Mexican food, which was also all she could keep down in those first few months much like Tori. She also craved things that Stevie Nicks wouldn't usually eat. For instance a chocolate bar, full-on ice cream sundaes with cherries, nuts, chocolate, caramel, and raspberry sauces, sprinkles, chocolate chips, and whipped cream.  

Lori simply could only tolerate fruit and veggies with Jessie and she about flipped into full vegan. 

But, the knowledge of Stevie and Tori's Mexican indulgences was what spawned the Mexican week. Stevie pushed her glasses up and then she goes to start on the tomatoes when the phone rings. 

Tori watches as different looks cross Stevie's face and then she quickly throws the remote at Tori who turns the TV on. Stevie tells her a number and they watch as the Governor puts into place a Shelter in place order. Tori's mouth goes wide as her phone begins to ring. 

The first call is from Jessie asking if everyone is okay and sheltered then it was her boss telling her that because of the order only allowing essential workers out, LA Models was suspending operations. It was around that then when Stevie hung up. 

"Your father and his lawyer are going to make it so Stella stays with him. They're going to come and Shelter in place with the three of us." Stevie sighs.

"I thought this Coronavirus thingy was just a more severe form of Pneumonia." Tori slumps back into her barstool.

"I thought so too. But it's obviously more than that. We just need to make the most of it." Stevie shrugs.

"Well obviously, because I just got laid off," Tori tells them.

"Well do you have insurance?" Stevie presses.

"I do because I don't get benefits through LA Models." She tells them. 

"At least you have that. I should probably send Karen for groceries tomorrow morning." Stevie goes back to working on her tomatoes.

"No, I'll go tonight. By tomorrow this is going to be everywhere. Walmart is open twenty-four hours I can just go tonight load up my SUV all I'll need is for you to write me a list."Tori tells her. 

Stevie just gives her a look and then when she finishes her tomatoes she wipes her hands and grabs at a notebook that's in her purse sitting on the kitchen counter. When she finishes writing down the essentials she KNOWS she needs, she slides it over to Tori with a gold card. Tori gulps and picks up the card like it's going to bite her. 

"Tori you don't have money, I know that's blunt and horrible to say but you don't," Stevie tells her.

"But this is like...Gold and there's a lot of money on here. Money that I have never seen in my whole life." Tori explains. 

"It'll be fine." Stevie goes to take the food out of the oven. 


Lindsey and Stella arrive, as Stevie's cutting up the Mexican dish and Stella looking very awkward sticks close to Lindsey.

"Stella it's been a while, you look all grown up, and you're so beautiful. I can remember when you were just a little tiny baby and Lindsey brought you to rehearsals so we could meet you." Stevie grins.

"Stella, after dinner I'm going to Walmart do you want to come with me?" Tori questions sensing the nerves and tension off of her baby half-sister. 

"Um, would it be okay dad?" Stella looks up at Lindsey. 

"Stella she's your sister you can go wherever you want to with her." Lindsey smiles.

"Okay. I'll go with you." Stella nods.


As they're driving to Walmart Tori sighs and addresses her sister. "Something's wrong. I don't think you're entirely comfortable staying at my mom's house." 

"No, it's not that I'm uncomfortable at your mom's is the fact that I won't get to see MY mom for a while. And it's kind of weird because I think that dad's sleeping with Stevie again and that's the weirdest part of it all. My whole life she was Aunt Stevie and I loved her so much I wanted to be like her and do the same things as her. She used to buy me these amazing porcelain dolls and I loved her. I don't know what happened though but around 2012-13ish when they went on tour with Fleetwood Mac things started to change." Stella shrugs.

"Well, I don't know kid...but, let's try to keep this quarantine as homey as possible." Tori parks the car. 

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