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September 6, 2020

When Stevie woke up in the morning-afternoon-her hand immediately fell to Lindsey's bicep who was just laying in the bed watching TV quietly.

"What?" He asks.

"What's the date today?" She inquires. 

"It's..." He takes a moment and pulls out his phone. "September 6th." 

"Oh my god, we have to go shopping." Stevie states.

"You're going to go shopping?" Lindsey cocks an eyebrow. 

"Tori's birthday is in ten days and Stella starts school on Monday." Stevie states.

"Oh, speaking of Stella. I hope you don't mind, but I have my lawyers talking to Kristen because I'm not comfortable sending her to Kristen every other week and she's going to be at school two days out of the week so I just...I wanna keep her here." Lindsey sighs. 

"Of course, I love Stella. She's like my daughter. And the relationship between her and Tori is wonderful." Stevie smiles.

Stella and Leelee had never really been close at all growing up, partially because of the age difference. Lee was born in 2000 and Stella wasn't born until 2005. While it's not a horrible age difference it is five years and Lee and William, on the other hand, are only about two years apart and despite about ten years between Tori and Stella the two of them had gotten really close during Quarantine. They never went anywhere or did anything but they would spend hours every day together just talking or watching a movie or TV, and they'd do Spa days where they'd do each other's hair and makeup, and Tori would paint her nails. There were even times that they'd plug Tori's phone into the surround system and they'd just 'dance it out' in the living room. Stevie thoroughly, and Lindsey for that matter enjoyed watching that relationship blossom between Stella and Tori. 

"Are you sure you want to attempt to go into town and go into a mall and get school clothes for my kid and a birthday present for our kid? Can't we just give them our credit cards and say order everything you want online?" Lindsey asks.

"No, we can't do that Lindsey. We missed 26...well, 25 of her Birthday's and I want to actually go pick her out a birthday present because I couldn't do it when she was little." Stevie pouts. 

"Honey, I don't think you were present when she was born." Lindsey chuckles. 

"Lindsey. I was present, I had to push her out of my body." Stevie replies.

"Your body was present, but I don't think your head was. Steph you didn't even realize that you were in labor until it started to hurt really bad and then it was simply. 'Lindsey, I think something's wrong. Water is leaking down my leg and there's pressure in my pelvis.' " Lindsey explains.

"Well, Klonopin. You're right I don't remember giving birth I just remember debilitating pain and it lasting for about 24 hours. But, that's exactly my point." Stevie throws her legs over the side of the bed and going towards the bathroom to start her day.

"So is it going to be just us and Stella then, going shopping? How do we keep Tori's nose out of it?" Lindsey follows her into the bathroom as she starts brushing her teeth. 

"We tell her that we're going birthday shopping and we'll force her to stay out of it," Stevie says with her mouth full of toothpaste. 

"Stevie, she's your kid...good luck with that one." Lindsey kisses her cheek and exits the bathroom to go check on his children flitting around the house. 


As they were eating their various meals. Tori having been up for a while at that point, was eating a can of Progresso Italian wedding soup. Stella had a bagel with cream cheese on it, and Lindsey and Stevie were eating some scrambled eggs when Stevie cleared her throat.

"So Tori, what do you want for your birthday?" Stevie inquires.

"I already got what I wanted for my birthday." Tori shrugs.

"Which is?" Stevie asks cocking her eyebrow.

"Well, I...I found my family. I've been looking for so many years that it doesn't seem real that i'm actually in this positon. It's astounding that my biggest idols in the music industry are my parents." Tori shrugs.

"Oh honey." Stevie coos wrapping her arms around her daughter and placing a kiss against her head. 

"Then there' s the fact that I'm going back to work tomorrow. I'll have to wear a mask but I'm going to get two paid fifteen-minute breaks during my shift where I can go in the breakroom and take my mask off. And I'll get a forty-five-minute lunch where I can take my mask off. As much as I like being home and spending time with you and getting to know you better, I've run out of money and I hate burrowing money from you guys." Tori explains shaking her head. 

"You never have to worry about the money Tor." Lindsey shakes his head.

"I know, I just feel bad, I mean you don't have a job and Mom's pretty much unemployed now too. I just feel like i'm wasting it." Tori replies sadly.

"Baby you borrowed money to pay for your health care, and your phone bill. Both of those things are necessary and I'd rather pay your health bill and your cellphone bill because that means you're safe. If an emergency strikes you're okay. If you get stranded somewhere, you have a way to reach us so we can come get you." Lindsey explains placing his hands on her cheeks and also kissing her head. 

"And besides,we're your parents and it's our job to take care of you. But what else do you want for your birthday?" Stevie asks. 

"Honestly mom, I don't know...I've never really celebrated my birthday. I'd just treat myself to some fast food, a new makeup pallet, and an outfit from Target or something." She shrugs.

"Well then...I'll just have to wing it." Stevie collapses back into the kitchen chair she had taken a perch on. 

"Why?" Tori questions spooning some soup into her mouth. 

"Because your birthday is in ten days and we're taking Stella school clothes shopping today, so I was going to buy your birthday present." Stevie smiles.

"Oh, Well...I like records. And I like jewelry. But you don't have to get me anything." Tori shrugs.

"Yes Tori Paige, I do. And besides honey, I don't know all of the records that you have. I don't want to get you duplicates." Stevie states.

"I have...Go Insane, Law and Order, The Eagles their greatest hits, John Mellencamp, the best I can 78-88, Stevie Nicks Stand back solo anthology, Cher if I could turn back time, Tango In the Night, Rumours, Fleetwood Mac, Don Henley building the perfect beast, Pat Benatar crimes of passion, tusk, MJ thriller, Bella Donna, Wild Heart, Fleetwood Mac's Greatest Hits. You literally signed them all mom." Tori sips her soup.

"I didn't look at them in-depth, I just signed the ones that I knew where mine. What other artists do you like?" Stevie asks.

"Well, I like Kenny Loggins, Bonnie Tyler, Love Aerosmith, Bon Jovi. Joni Mitchell, Emmylou Harris, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts. Heart" Tori lists. 

"Alright, sounds good. Anything else?" Stevie asks.

"Well, I like to write, so Journals. I like Crystals and Elephants and Candles. Incense. I could use a new incense burner, mine's been busted for years. Um...I like Greek and Welsh Myths. Oh I...no, never mind i'm not going to ask you for that." Tori sighs and shakes her head.

"See, now we're getting somewhere. What aren't you going to ask me for?" Stevie smiles.

"Well, My computer nor my phone hold charges anymore and i'm about due for a new ones, but that's a lot of money and i'm not going to ask that of you." She shakes her head. 

Stevie just bites her lip and looks up at Lindsey, who narrows his eyes at her. The ktichen is silent for awhile save for the clinkling of glass and dishes but then Tori clears her throat again. 

"So I take it if you're going birthday shopping I'm not allowed to go with you." She pouts.

"So sorry baby, but no you aren't." Stevie shakes her head.

"Well, you should at least by me a souvenir." Tori pouts.

Stevie cackles but then she kisses Tori's head. "Okay." 

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