Chapter 4: Surprise

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I got up suprisingly early. I wanted to go for a walk and it seemed like Ollie wanted that too.

I got up, brushed my teeth and took a shower. After I dried my long ass hair, I changed into my favorite outfit.

Black hoodie, bottom part of sleeve had dark pink military camouflage print. In the front had written "beauty/psycho" with it being in blood dripping font. I paired it with pair of dark blue, almost black jeans with rose on the front of the left leg and brown boots.

I left note on the fridge saying "Hey, mom, dad, I left to take Ollie for a walk. I'll probably be back at 7:20? Love you, Bye! 💖" and left the building.

I also brought my headphones so I could listen to music on the way. I was walking at a dog park. I let Ollie wander around while I sat beside some trees. Even though I wasn't so tired I took a quick nap.


After some time, I woke up feeling someone licking me on the cheek. It was Ollie giving me one of his "kisses".
Some people were already walking in the park, mostly older people.
I checked my phone. It was 8:06am.
I got 4 missed calls, from my mom and 2 from my dad.

"Come on boy" I signed Ollie to come, telling him it was time to go home. We headed home as I quickly called my mother. "Mom?" ...
"What were you doing? Me and your father were worried sick"
"I fell asleep in the park"
"Ollie woke me up two minutes ago."
"Hurry home then. Me and your father have a surprise"
"Really? What is it?"
"Wait till you get home. bye sweetheart, love you!"


I ended the the call and headed home.
Did I seriously just woke up early after having almost sleepless night just so I could sleep at the park? I'm not telling that to my mom, she'd kill me.
When I arrived home everything was quiet. Way too quiet. The only sounds than were present were my and Ollie's breathing. Not gonna lie, I was a little confused.
I slowly started moving towards the kitchen with Ollie barking at times to times.

After he completely calmed down as if he knew what was really happening, he run out of my sight.




I called for him.

I got no answer back.

I continued to walk forward and finally
"Surprise!!" My parents yelled.
Big cake was on the table. Lady's fingers cake with banana and kiwi, my favorite.


I hugged them, and thanked them as we all sat down to eat. It was delicious. It's just as I remember it when my grandma made it for me for the first time.

"You don't think that was the only surprise we got you, right?" My dad broke the silence.

"Well-?" I asked with clear confusion, expecting to hear some news or something.

He didn't answer, but instead put something in my hand. I was confused at first but quickly came back to reality when I saw that he handed me plane tickets to visit my grandparents.

"Thank you!!" I whisper yelled in excitement.


Hey, you! Yes, you. Stop scrolling. Sorry for bothering you. Just wanted to let you know. You are beautiful, no matter what others think, and don't let them bring you down. Keep your head up. Question: What is your favorite cake? Until next chapter. Bye!
💖~Silver_Howls 💖

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