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Well well, look what the cat dragged in.
I knew you'd come back.
They always do.

I hope you read Killer Queen: A Disasterpiece.
Not because I'm trying to self-advertise, but because I am not explaining all that again. I'm swamped with activities, as you know. So, head on over if you're out of the loop, then we'll try this again.

I know what you're thinking and this seriously isn't my fault this time. I swear!
I actually tried to do something good...you know, to make up for last time.
Even though things went horribly wrong and several people almost died, (again) my heart was totally in the the right place.
Mark my words, you'll be singing my praises at the end of this one...even if no one else is.

And look! I even got you a present to start things off on the right foot.
I made you a "prologue" this time.
Even though I stroked out and threw up all over the place making it, here ya go!

Alright, let's get this show on the road. A new lifetime movie starts soon, I gotta make this snappy.


How (Not) To Save A Life: A Series of Expensive Mistakes// Book 2 (Ongoing)Where stories live. Discover now