Chapter Two

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Amala pictured above.

Chapter Two

A woman's safe place for items isn't her purse, but her bra. I never carried a purse as a teenager, I never felt the need to. Everything I essentially needed in my life was always in my bra. Like now. The tranquilizer I would be using to get Cassido's filthy hands off me was snuggly secured in there, patiently waiting to be used.

He had his calloused hand on the small of my back, leading me deeper into the garden we'd just entered. It was an absolutely gorgeous sight. Luca had completely transformed his backyard into the Garden of Eden compared to the last time I'd been here. Rows and rows of many flowers were planted along the cobblestone walkways, accentuated with tall trees filled with blood red roses on each side. Three gazebos scattered the garden, with an infinity pool at the very edge overlooking New York. 

"Where are you from?" Cassido questioned. We continued to slowly walk mindlessly around the garden. 

"Novosibirsk. Russia." I lied. 

"Ah, you're Siberian?" He turned and stopped in front of me. Gripping my hand, he looked me in my eyes. His eyebrow cocked upward as if he was doubtfully questioned me. He knew I was lying.

I kept my composure and nodded. His demeanor had completely changed, he was no longer comfortable and I took notice. I was going to have to make my move now.

"Kroshka," He started. "I do not like when people lie to me."

"Fine." I stated. "I'm here to kill you." I swiftly pulled the needle out of my bra and swiveled behind him before he could grab me. Looping my arm around his neck I pulled him toward me and stabbed him in the neck, pressing down on the needle and injecting him. He struggled for a while before slumping into me, causing me to drop him.

Kicking my heels off I grabbed him under his arms, and dragged him behind the furthest gazebo in the garden. The guard at the door had been told to turn a blind eye, and had locked the doors so no one else could come outside. We were all alone with no disruptions, which fueled the adrenaline coursing through me. 

I had strict instructions with this contract, instructions I had no problem following. After grabbing the blade out of my thigh holster, I lifted the sleeve of Cassido's jacket. With the dose Midazolam I'd injected him with he'd be unconscious for a good 3 hours. It was more than enough time. I'd be killing him within the hour after I got what I needed. His body had been completely numbed, so hearing him scream was thankfully not an issue. 

Locating the Russian tattoo located on the inside of his arm, I careful placed my blade at the top of the the black ink.  Circling the blade around, blood trickled down his forearm as I cut the tattoo completely off his skin. I flicked an entire layer of his skin off with the blade, revealing a black microchip embedded deep into his skin. 

I'd have to dig my fingers in to get the chip out, and while I had done much more treacherous things than skin a person and dig into his tissue, that didn't make it any less gross. With clear disgust on my face I dug my nails into his skin tissue to carefully extract the chip. I placed the chip on the ground, and quickly slit Cassido's neck. He'd be dead in 32 seconds flat. Blood spurted out of his neck and mouth and since I was so close, it splattered on my dress.

"Oh fuck me." I sighed. Thankfully my dress was already wine red, but if you looked closely you could easily see the darker spots. I grabbed the chip and placed it in my bra, before dragging Cassido into the bush next to me. I spent 10 minutes trying to disguise him in the bush before I said fuck it and threw his jacket over his head.

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