chapter 14

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Nick's hands hung at his sides, empty. For one moment, he'd been filled with her: her curves, her scent, her heat. Now he stood in the

middle of the room, alone, just like he had on their wedding night. A married man with a hard-on and no relief in sight. Amazed at his

ridiculous predicament, he tried to go over the events of the evening and see where he'd gone wrong.

The moment he caught her with Conte, a slow, steaming anger had risen up within him. The heat started at his feet, traveled to his

stomach, his chest, and finally settled like a hot band around his head. If he was a horse, he would have snorted out smoke and stamped his

hooves. If he was a wolf, he would have howled at the moon.

Her hand had rested on the count's arm. He must've been quite amusing, because she threw her head back and laughed, her cheeks flushed

and rosy. Her full lips had gleamed under the chandelier light. They'd acted like they were long-time friends instead of people who had just


But the worst was when she smiled at him.

It was a dazzling, bewitching, come-hither smile that told the man on the receiving end he was everything she was looking for, everything

she wanted. A smile that gave a man nasty dreams at night and haunted his waking hours. Nick had never seen that smile directed at him and

something crazy exploded inside him.

His plan had misfired. He'd expected her to be mildly entertaining to the count and gain a few tidbits of knowledge to help close the deal.

Not actually enjoy the man so openly.

Nick cursed and picked up his tie, ready to go to bed. As he climbed the stairs, he thought about what Alexa had said. If Conte did separate

business and pleasure, he'd played the scene all wrong. Maybe when he requested a business meeting he'd concentrate on the rational

logistics of the building rather than paint an emotional landscape for the sale. Maybe Conte was only passionate when it came to women.

Maybe he wanted a cool-headed executive to head the architectural team.

Nick stopped at her door. The light was off. He paused for a moment and listened for her breathing. He wondered what she wore to bed.

Images of scanty black lace wreaked havoc with his mind, but even the thought of her in flannel pants and a cropped T-shirt did things to him

no other woman had ever accomplished. Was she lying awake in bed, dreaming of Conte? Or was she thinking about their last kiss and

wanting more?

He walked to his own room. She'd rejected him. Her own damn husband. And he was stuck with the one thing he'd been horrified of.

A wife he was attracted to.

He shut his bedroom door and forced the thought out of his mind.



Alexa sat at the table and faced her parents. Her hands shook with joy and relief as she pushed the check across the battered kitchen table

that was covered in happy yellow plastic suns. "Nick and I want you to have this to pay off the mortgage," she announced. "There will be no

arguments or protests. We talked about this for a long time, and we're lucky to have so much money. We want to share. It means a lot to us,

so please accept this as our gift."

Their matching stunned expressions made tears prick her eyes. How many nights had she tossed and turned, feeling guilty for being unable

to get her parents out of their financial mess? As the oldest sibling, she hated the helplessness that choked her. She decided dealing with Nick

and her own burgeoning emotions was worth it. The payoff of security and safety for her family eased a deep ache, which she'd fought since

her father had the heart attack.

"But how can you do this?" Maria pressed trembling hands to her lips as Jim put his arm around her. "Nick shouldn't feel like we're a

burden. You're a young married couple with dreams. For your bookstore. For a family with lots of children. You shouldn't be taking care of

us, Alexandria. We are the parents."

Jim nodded. "I already decided to take an extra job. We don't need the money."

She sighed at her parents' innate stubbornness. "Listen to me. Nick and I have plenty of money, and this is important to us. Dad, a second

job isn't an option in your condition, unless you want to die. You heard the doctor." Alexa leaned forward. "This will give you the home free

and clear so you can concentrate on paying the other bills. Save for Izzy's and Gen's college. Help Lance through his final year of medical

school. We're not giving you enough to retire, guys, just enough to make things a bit easier."

They exchanged glances. Wild hope glimmered in her mom's eyes as she clutched the check. Alexa gave them a tiny nudge to push them

over the edge. "Nick didn't want to come with me today. There's one condition to this money—he never wants to hear about it again."

Maria gasped. "I have to thank him. He needs to know how much we appreciate this—how he's changed our lives."

She swallowed around the tightness in her throat. "Nick doesn't like to show a lot of emotion. When we discussed this, he insisted he never

wants the money mentioned again."

Jim frowned. "He won't accept a simple thank you? After all, if it wasn't for me we wouldn't be in this mess."

"Anyone can get sick, Dad," she whispered.

The grief of the past ravaged his face. "But I left."

"And came back." Maria grasped his hand and smiled. "You came back to us and made it right. No more talk like this." Her mother

straightened in her chair, eyes shining with emotion. "We will accept the check, Alexandria. And we'll never mention it to Nick. As long as you

promise to go home and tell him he is our angel." Her voice broke. "I'm so proud you are my daughter."

Alexa hugged her. After a few more moments of conversation, she kissed both her parents and left the house. Poetry night was taking

place at BookCrazy and she couldn't be late. She started her shuddering Volkswagon Bug and headed toward her store as her thoughts


The money ruse was unfortunate but necessary. She'd never admit to Nick how bad her parents' financial situation was. The image of him

tossing a wad of money at her like enough bucks could solve any problem made her squirm. Her pride was important, and so was her

parents'. They solved their own problems. She had an instinct that Nick Ryan believed money took the place of emotion, which was a lesson

his parents had delivered on a daily basis. She shuddered at the thought.No, she'd manage to do this on her own.

She settled down and drove to work.

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