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Alexa glanced around BookCrazy with satisfaction. Poetry nights drew a large crowd, and all were book buyers. Every Friday night, she

transformed the back of her store into a performance center. Moody, background music floated through the dim lit aisles. Overstuffed applegreen

chairs and battered coffee tables were dragged from the storeroom and arranged in an informal circle. The crowd was a nice mix of

intellectuals, some quite serious and others who just wanted an entertaining night out. She dragged the mic over to the small lifted platform,

and checked her watch again. Five minutes to go. Where was Maggie?

She watched people settle into the chairs and mumble about coffee while discussing stanzas and imagery and the bleeding of emotion. On

cue, the door opened to release a rush of brisk air, and Maggie stepped inside. "Java, anyone?"

Alexa raced over and grabbed two steaming cafe mochas. "Thank God. If I didn't serve them caffeine they'd read to each other in the

Starbucks down the street."

Maggie set the cardboard tray down and lined up the cups. Her cinnamon-colored hair swung past her jawline when she shook her head.

"Al, you're nuts. You know how much money you spend on coffee just so these artists can read poetry in front of each other? Let them get

their own coffee."

"I need the business. Until I find a way to get a loan to expand the store, I need to keep them caffeinated."

"Ask Nick. He's technically your husband."

She shot her friend a warning look. "No, I don't want him involved. You promised you wouldn't say anything."

Maggie threw her hands up. "What's the big deal? Nick knows you'd pay off the loan."

"I want to do this on my own. I took the initial payoff and that was the deal. No more. It's not like this is a real marriage."

"Did you give the money to your parents?"

Alexa smiled. "Almost made the company of your brother worth it."

"I still don't get it. Why not just tell Nick the truth about the money? He's a pain in the ass but has a good heart. Why are you playing

games, girlfriend?"

She turned away, afraid to confront her friend. She'd always been a sucky liar. How could she possibly tell Maggie she lusted after her

brother, and needed every barrier imaginable to keep her distance? If he believed she was a cold-hearted money grabber, he might leave her


Maggie studied her face for a long time. Her green eyes filled with shock as the light bulb suddenly flashed. "Is something else going on

with you two? You're not attracted to him, are you?"

Alexa forced a laugh. "I hate your brother."

"You're lying. I always know when you lie. You want to sleep with him, don't you? Oh, yuck!"

Alexa snatched the last cup of coffee. "This conversation is over. I am not attracted to your brother, and he is not attracted to me."

Maggie followed close on her heels. "Okay, now that I'm over the initial grossness of the idea, let's talk about it. He's your husband, right?

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