Butterflies - Logicality

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AU: All 4 of them are living in the same house because it's cheaper

Ships: Logicality

TW: Lots of fluff, a lot of awkwardness and just two dorks being dorks

Prompt: above (disclaimer - I do not own this art)


Third person POV

Patton was bored. Roman was nowhere to be seen and Virgil had gone out to look for him. Maybe Logan would agree to play with him? It was a long shot but it was worth a try. Strangely, he wasn't in his room. His desk was tidy as always and a few open books caught Patton's eye. He decided there was no harm in taking a closer look, even though he suspected that he wouldn't understand anything. Pat was expecting it to be about some form of science or whatever Logan was studying at the moment, but he was very surprised when he realised that there were lots of butterfly pictures. Of course, there were also notes, explanations and other writing but Pat was shocked. He didn't think that Logan was interested in nature. He looked at all the other books and saw many different diagrams, notes, pictures, all of butterflies. As he has already checked every room in the house, Pat took his best guess and went out to the back garden, hoping to find Logan there.

Patton saw Logan just around the corner. He jumped up excitedly and almost shouted Logan's name but stopped. Logan was kneeling on the ground, examining something closely. Patton squinted and took a small step forward, then immediately recoiled, not wanting to scare Logan. He stood quietly, staring at Logan's figure, taking in every detail.

Logan was completely absorbed in his activity, not aware of anything around him. Patton decided to walk slightly closer to Logan, curious to see what he was so focused on. As he edged forward, trying to mimic a cat, he had to suppress a gasp that was about to escape his lips. Logan was gently holding a butterfly in his cupped hands. How he managed to catch one was beyond Patton but it was definitely an unusual sight.

'Such a beautiful creature.' Patton almost jumped in surprise, thinking that Logan has seen him, but Logan didn't even seem to notice the other's presence. Patton held his breath, determined not to do anything to disturb him. Unfortunately, just at that moment Virgil fell through the rose bushes on the other side of the garden making just enough noise to scare the butterfly away and snap Logan out of his daze.

Finally looking up, Logan noticed Patton who was standing only a few feet away.

'Oh, good afternoon Patton. I didn't notice you coming.'

Patton was slightly nervous, thinking that Logan would get annoyed at him. He was blushing so much that he almost looked like a tomato.

'Um, y-yeah, I was just kinda bored so... I thought you could... I couldn't find Roman or Virgil... sorry, um, for bothering you-' he was interrupted by Logan who seemed to not notice Patton's unusual behaviour.

'It's quite all right, Patton. You're not disturbing me in the slightest.'

'Oh, um, that's good...'

'May I ask, why have you suddenly gone so red? Do you feel unwell?' Logan seemed very concerned. He got up and, before Pat could say anything, put the back of his hand against Patton's forehead. This made the latter blush harder which seemed to make Logan even more concerned.

Patton could feel his face heating up as Logan touched his skin. He knew that at this moment he was absolutely helpless, he didn't even try to speak. He just stood there, staring at Logan who was only a few inches away from his face.

Logan suddenly seemed to realise how close he was to Patton and froze. For what felt like an eternity, they both stood there as if they were glued to the ground, staring at each other.

This was a completely new feeling for Logan. He has felt affection before, especially towards Patton, but it has never been anything like this. It was always a light feeling, a feeling that made him want to smile for no reason. This was different. It was overwhelming, a feeling that made him so self aware. Aware of every breath, every movement, every sound. It made him giddy and nauseous at the same time. It felt breath-taking. It felt like a fever. It felt like butterflies.

Logan cleared his throat, stepping back slightly and looking away. Patton was still frozen in place, but looking just as embarrassed.

'I, uh, I didn't know you liked butterflies.'

'Oh, um, yes I do. They are, in fact, very interesting creatures.'

Logan didn't know what to say next and neither did Patton. For what felt like aeons, they stood awkwardly facing each other, waiting for the other to say something.

'So, uh, Patton, did you need anything?'

'No, not really. It's just Roman and Virgil are busy so I was trying to find you and I went into your room and there were lots of books with butterflies so I thought-'

'In short, you were bored and decided to find me so that I could entertain you?' Logan interrupted.

'Well, yeah, I guess so.'

'I could tell you some facts about butterflies if you would like. After all, they are my most recent interest.'

Patton squealed excitedly, then immediately blushed in embarrassment. They both sat down on the soft grass as Logan began to tell Patton everything he knew about butterflies. Pat occasionally interrupted Logan to point out a butterfly that flew by or to ask him about things like if butterflies like cookies.

Logan laughed as Patton asked him another off topic question. Patton laughed too because he loved seeing Logan so happy. The sun slowly began to set as the two of them continued talking about the most insignificant things.

Logan accidentally looked into Patton's eyes. He couldn't help it and for the world of him he did not know what he was feeling at that moment. Patton's eyes sparkled as he looked back at him. Another moment passed but neither could look away.

Instinctively, Logan leaned slightly forward. His fingertips were touching Patton's. Taking that as a sign, Patton leaned forward too.

They didn't now how it happened, but their lips gently touched and their hands intertwined.

As they broke apart, Logan gasped.

'Wow, Patton, I... I am feeling something strange.'

'What is it Lo?' Patton looked concerned.

'It feels like something in my stomach. Like something is fluttering inside me.'

Patton just smiled and cuddled closer to Logan.

'Wait, it's... It's growing stronger!' Logan was alarmed by this.

Patton kissed his cheek.

'It's okay Lo. It's just butterflies.'

Logan didn't understand how butterflies were related to what he was feeling, but he didn't question it. Instead, he pulled Patton closer as the edge of the sun touched the horizon.


A/N: Heyyyyy guyyyysssss. Sooo, I'm reeaaallllyyy sorry for not finishing this earlier. I had writers block for like two months plus there was a lot of stuff happening at school. Sorry again. It's currently 3am so most of this is unedited. Might feel rushed. Sorry again.



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