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AU: Thomas' mind

Ships: platonic moceit, maybe I'll turn it into platonic or romantic DLAMP

TW: none

Prompt: something that happened to me a few years ago


Third Person POV

Patton gasped as he kneeled down. He was walking through the woods in the mindscape, he always found it to be very calming when he was upset, when he saw something that made his heart leap. There, in between the slithering roots of a tree was a tiny door. It was a soft pinkish colour that blended gently with small patches of white that swirled around the delicately ornamented leaves and branches. He carefully opened it and peeked inside, not believing his eyes. Tiny white chairs stood neatly around the beautifully crafted wooden table and a single rose petal lay right in front of the door. Patton closed the little door, and sat back in surprise. He heard a soft ring, only just noticing the miniature bell that hung next to the door.

At that moment, Patton was sure that this was a house of a fairy or maybe a pixie. He didn't know what he had just stumbled across, but he knew that it was something magical. He wondered if he should tell the others. Patton really wanted to show them his discovery but he was afraid they would just laugh at him for believing in such childish things. He sighed and shook his head, pushing that thought away. It didn't matter for now, all that mattered was that he believed. Patton leaned against the tree closing his eyes and let his mind wander in all the possibilities as he began to drift off.


A faint smile played on Janus' lips as he watched Patton from a distance. It had taken him days to create this miniature house but his busy sleepless nights paid off. He glanced at the peaceful scene once more before quietly heading back to his room, already forming another plan in his head. He wasn't sure why he was doing this but it felt comforting. Cheering people up was not his strength but it seemed like doing it anonymously worked.

As he walked through the living room, his eyes lingered on a sulking Roman, immediately knowing what he was going to do next.

"What do you want?" Roman snapped.

Janus smirked and kept walking. "Oh, it's nothing. Nothing at all."


A/N: Sorry it's so short, I just randomly got a burst of inspiration and decided to act on it. It's based on something that happened to me so comment if y'all wanna hear it. Also, I might continue this with Janus doing things for all the other sides so comment if you want it to be platonic or romantic. Love y'all

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