chapter 6 ♣ Dancers Also Have Issues

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You shout it out

But I can't hear a word you say

I'm talking loud, not saying much

raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones...

Mandy danced to Titanium, through her sound speakers, in the hotel she had been staying in for the past month

You shoot me down

but I won't fall

I am Titanium...

Four rocky weeks. After she'd left her husband on that faithful night, she'd come to this hotel. The Mirage. Thanks to that taxi driver she'd seen that faithful day.

She'd wanted to go back home to Nigeria, the next day, leaving Paris, and was going to call Bea and Lisa as soon as she'd gotten to her room in the Mirage, so she could tell them, but had waned from doing so at the very last minute.

What was the point? What was the need? Were they going to bring her husband back to her? Just by calling them, was everything magically going to fall back into place?

She'd been the one who'd made the mistake.

Well she'd certainly felt it hadn't she? That gut-wrenching feeling that something was going to happen, well it certainly had, hadn't it? The only way out now, was divorce. But this, she couldn't even do mainly for two simple reasons: she still loved her husband, fiercely. Secondly, the only ground with which she could divorce her husband as a Christian, was if he cheated on her... or he was dead. It just so neatly happened that he didn't even have the equipment to um.... Cheat; and if there was one thing Mandy knew, it was that Bill still had a very long healthy life ahead of him. She doubted he would be able to drop down dead jus like that, even if she asked very nicely.

That same night, she'd had her visa that could return her back to Nigeria and on the dying minute, she'd also changed her mind.

Why go at that time? Wouldn't people suspect that something was going on? She was a woman scorned for crying out loud! She was securedly shackled head, tooth and nails to a husband who could never fuck her, the last thing she needed was to go off dancing as if nothing ever happened. As if she wasn't married. Just one week, she'd promised herself. Enjoy Paris for just one week and then go back home. But then one week had turned out into two...three....four weeks, all a seemingly blur and now, it was time to go back home. Tomorrow.

Bill hadn't even bothered contacting her. Probably knew she needed her space. Wise guy! Though she vaguely remembered that she had thrown her phone into the hotel's swimming pool purposely, and immediately got a new phone and line. So it was quite impossible for him to reach her, even if he wanted to

It was time for business. She knew that now. Tomorrow, she was going back to face an even bigger competition than her marriage - Nationals. Juliette! Or rather, Kayla.

A week ago, she'd gotten in touch with Nonso, lied that her honeymoon was going fine and asked him to send her the video they'd recorded on the dance step they were doing for nationals, so she could learn all the extra moves they'd added, before she came home... saving everyone the trouble of having to back track because of her.

And she'd gotten the most shocking revelation of her life, the moment Nonso sent the video and she watched it.

Kayla, in just three weeks, had perfectly taken over her role as Juliet and what was worse, had worked on herself... had become an even better dancer for the role of Juliet than Manda ever was.

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