Chapter 1

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So this is just a quick little story {UPDATE: THIS IS ACTUALLY A BOOK I GOT A LITTLE CARRIED AWAY OKAY?} with many scenes and idk exactly what I'm doing I've never written gay ships or anything before so judge free zone here tysm

Oh and Malec from The Mortal Instruments

Characters belong to the wonderful Cassandra Clare


Commence Malec Feels (TIP: Wear a warm fuzzy sweater and lay on your bed for maximum feels)

Third Person POV

Alec walked briskly down the street. The wind was blowing and it was slightly chilly outside. He had grabbed a jacket before he left the Institute, and he was currently struggling to put it on. He finally got the jacket on and he looked down at himself. He looked...well...sparkly. The jacket was a gift from Magnus and it was covered in glitter and also had a pattern of sequins running up the sides. Alec thought it was a bit much but he knew Magnus would like it.

Alec hadn't taken time to put on glamour before he walked down the street so lots of people were staring. Probably wondering why he looked like a walking disco ball. It's for Magnus, Alec told himself. They're just mundanes anyway. I mean, you're dating the High Warlock of Brooklyn so who are they to judge.

Alec was, in fact, doing this for Magnus. Magnus had asked him if he would like to go to this new restaurant. Which was up the street from his apartment, and also a mundane restaurant. Alec had briefly wondered why he would want him to go to a mundane restaurant, but he said yes. How could he turn him down? Why would he turn him down? He wouldn't. Alec was obsessively in love with Magnus. But he was careful, and Alec knew he couldn't say that. He'd sound like a madman. But it was true, he loved Magnus and he couldn't imagine living without him.

His feet stepped on the last few steps leading up to Magnus' door. There was a thin layer of frost and he almost fell. Alec took a deep breath and looked down at himself. He was still sparkly, very sparkly. He reached out and rung the doorbell, immensely nervous. He didn't want to he nervous around Magnus, but he was always nervous that he would screw the relationship up again.

The door opened and there stood Magnus. He was also wearing a glittery jacket, but his looked like he had soaked it in glitter then added a ton of sparkles just for fun. His hair spiked up in an extremely attractive way that made Alec's heart hurt and his stomach flutter.

"Hey Magnus," he said awkwardly.

Magnus smiled. "Come on, Alexander, it's just me." He looked up and down, his eyes surveying Alec. He's checking me out, Alec thought and he felt his cheeks blush. He looked away and tried to find the bushes interesting.

Wonder if he doesn't like the jacket? Wonder if he doesn't think I look good in sparkles? Wonder if he wants me to be me and not wear what he would wear? Wonder if-

"I like the jacket," Magnus said, interrupting Alec's thoughts.

"Thanks," Alec breathed sigh of relief.

Magnus leaned in close which made Alec feel really warm and buzzy inside. His brain was wild, and the cold didn't seem to effect him or Magnus as they stood outside on the porch.

Magnus' face was inches away from Alec's. "You were worried I wouldn't like it...weren't you?" He whispered and Alec's stomach felt like it was doing somersaults on a rollercoaster. It was a pleasant, excited feeling, and it made him more alive than ever.

"I-" Alec began.

"Shhhh, don't speak," Magnus leaned in and pressed his lips on Alec's.

Alec was alive. His mind was racing and all he could think about was the taste of Magnus' lips. Nothing else mattered and the world dissolved. Magnus put his hands on Alec's back and pulled him in. Alec immediately curved into Magnus and he could feel him smile against his lips. Carefully Alec put his hands on Magnus' upper back, and he could feel the muscles ripple beneath his hands.

Magnus slowly pulled away, but left his hands on Alec's back. Alec didn't move either. For a few minutes they stood there, breathing the same air and listening to the sound of each other's heartbeats. Alec could feel his heart pounding out of his chest.

"I love you, you know that?" Magnus stared into Alec's blue eyes. Alec felt big, but also small. Most of all he felt right here next to Magnus.

"I know that," Each breath was a puff of air blown at the others mouth.

"And do you love me?" Magnus asked meekly. Alec looked up at Magnus, who suddenly looked small and vulnerable.

"Yes," Alec said, not even hesitating. "I love you, Magnus Bane, of course I do."


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