Chapter 5

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Alec leaned against the wall. He slid down and rested his head in his hands. He was in Magnus' apartment. The wall he was leaning against was the one right outside his bedroom door.

Magnus had been drunk...really drunk. Izzy and Jace had helped Alec clear out the apartment, and then left, knowing Alec would have to talk to Magnus once he was sober. Which would be anytime now, when he woke up.

He had slept like a rock all night in his bed, while Alec slept on the couch. Alec usually slept with Magnus, but after he saw Magnus cheat on him, that was the last place he wanted to sleep.

Suddenly the door beside Alec flew open. He sprang up and turned to face the door, which he was now about five feet away from.

"Alec...?" The person who had opened the door, Magnus, asked.

Alec didn't reply, instead he took in Magnus' appearance, his messed up bed hair, and his clothes from last night. They smelled like alcohol and Alec hadn't had the heart to change him into different ones. Or the will- Magnus had been acting like he didn't even know him.

"Alec?" Magnus said again. "What are you doing here?"

"Do you remember what happened last night?" Alec said, harsher than he meant to. Then again, it didn't matter whether he remembered or not, he still did it. He still cheated on Alec.

"Yes. Why? What happened last night-" Magnus cut himself off as he recalled everything that he had done, Belle, getting drunk, dancing, the kissing. "Oh," he said softly.

"Oh?" Alec said, getting flustered. "Oh?! OH?!"

"Alexander..." Magnus tried to soothe him. But guilt and worry was crashing down on him. He had messed up, he had messed up big time.

"Don't Alexander me!" Alec shouted back. The comment was so ridiculous it made Magnus want to laugh, which he didn't. Now was not the time to laugh.

"I'm sorry Alec, I just...I don't know." Magnus had no idea how to fix this, and words were starting to sound like a break-up. Magnus couldn't take that, maybe Alec wasn't that mad-

"Sorry doesn't fix things!"


"Alec, please, I didn't mean to...I was drunk." Magnus pleaded.

Alec looked at him, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. He looked about to shed them. Without thinking, Magnus stepped forward to hug him. Alec stepped away.

Magnus looked down at his feet. "I wasn't myself."

"You were when you took your first drink. THAT you willingly did. After that, no, but that doesn't make it okay." Alec was crying.

Magnus could hear it, and he saw it when he took his eyes off his shoes and placed them on his shadowhunter. Then again, Magnus wasn't sure if he was his shadowhunter anymore.

"Do you want to know why I did it?" Magnus asked quietly.

"What?" Alec looked up from beneath his messy black hair, which he hadn't brushed this morning.

"Do you want to know why I got wasted?"

"Not really."

Magnus told him anyway. "I missed you. It hurt and I wanted to forget and I missed you."

Alec stared at him incredulously. "You missed me, so you forgot me? What kind of stupid reason is that?" He looked at Magnus with a hard expression. "Cheater."

Magnus visably flinched. "No...I didn't want to forget you, I wanted to forget...forget..." He struggled to explain himself.

"Wanted to forget to remember me?" Alec suggested harshly, and Magnus thought of the way he couldn't remember Alec's name. That wasn't what he had wanted, but it's what had happened.

"I wanted to forget the pain of losing you, because I can't lose you. I know sometimes you think that I act like I could go on without you, and sometimes you think that. But it's not true. You're so freakin' perfect Alec, and you don't even see it. I can't live without you, please don't leave me. Aku cinta kamu."

I love you.

This time Alec didn't have to ask what it meant, he knew. He also was too mad to care. "Not that that changes anything." He tossed Magnus' words back at him and stormed out the apartment.

Magnus heard a small thump just before the door slammed shut. Alec's key to the apartment lay in front of his feet.

Magnus fell to his feet, and clutching the key, he began to cry.

#-Authors Note-#

Breakup scene I'm about to cry omg

So I hope you like it (lol its kind of hard to like this chapter)

The next one will be about how they're both dealing with it

Bye bye

P.s. my head does not like meeting knives thank you

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