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I wake up, trying to return to my hooves, struggle to get up, but I manage to get to my feet.

I take a deep breath.

The ground seems farther away than it used to.

I look down at myself.

I try to whinny in shock, but I scream like a human.

Where my head once was, is the torso of a human.

I have human arms!

I rear in disgrace.

How have I come to this situation?

Suddenly, I hear a rustling in the bushes.

I go over to investigate, for horses have a curious nature.

I bend down the best I can in this new state to see what it is.

A human boy bursts out of the bushes.

I scream, rearing up, threatening to stomp on him.

The boy screams, backing away and falling on his butt, away from my hooves just in time.

As I land, I huff, angry at this human colt for probably turning me into this creature.

He seems to be alone, with no herd to protect him.

He has chestnut brown eyes and hair.

I bend down for a closer look. I breathe on the human's face when my face is inches from his.

He trembles, trying to squirm away.

I step on a piece of his coverings, stopping him from going anywhere.

"Uh... hi?" he says.

I huff thick air at him.

"Uh... I'm uh... Nicoli?" he stutters, "Can you talk?"

I narrow my eyes, sniffing him.

"Can you say Nicoli?" the human asks, trying to get up.

I gently put a hoof on his chest, telling him not to get up.

I make a gurgling sound.

I take one of my odd human hands and put it to my mouth.

What kind of sound was that?!

I step off the boy and gurgle, "Wha ave yu don tot muri?!"

"Whoa, that's crazy," he says, getting up.

He looks me in the eyes.

"So, I guess you're a real she-centaur," he says simply.

I remember hearing my old herd speak of centaurs and their myths.

Odd things, they were. Children of a human, Abihu, and a horse, Carinthia.

Disgusting story.

"Do you have a name?" he asks.

I shake my head, hardly understanding him.

"Okay, I'll name you," he responds, as he began to pace.

I follow him as he paces, not knowing what to do.

I try to nip his arm.

I'm too tall, my teeth aren't correct, so I fail to bite him.

"I've got it!" he exclaims, whipping his head up.

I stumble backward, falling over.

"Oh, sorry," he says, running to me.

He takes my human hands, pulling me up.

Once I'm up, he hesitates to drop my hands.

He looks straight into my eyes. My face and body squirm away, trying to get rid of that uncomfortable feeling.

"I will name you Zelos," he declares.

I try to test his words on my lips.

"Zulus," I say.

"No, Zelos," he argues.

"Zulos?" I question.

"Zelos!" the boy says, getting frustrated.

"Zelos?" I ask.

"Yes! I have a feeling this is going to be very tiring."

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