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I let Nicoli ride me for the journey.
I argued against it, but it would mean I get to be a horse again faster.
I gallop the way until something doesn’t seem right.
“State your business with the Cawns, centaur,” a voice booms.
“Off,” I command Nicoli.
Nicoli slides off my back and hits the ground with a thud.
“I wish to seek the wisdom of turning a centaur into a horse,” I announce to the voice.
“Come,” the voice says, the brush in front of us disappearing.
I walk through the bushes and gasp.
In front of me is a civilization a centaur sub-species. This sub-species is unlike any centaur. They have leafy hair, deer bodies, their torsos are striped with brown lines, and the males have antlers.
We walk through little herd.
As we walk, I see fawns playing a sort of game. Does walkabout, talking, and whispering when they look at me. Bucks pull carts, bringing leaves, berries, and twigs to unknown places. Some of these sub-species even bow to me as I pass.
“Wow, this is crazy cool,” Nicoli gasps.
“Stupid human,” I say, smiling.
“Hello, whom do you wish to see?” a passing doe says, stopping us.
“We wish to see someone about turning horses into centaurs,” I explain, glaring at Nicoli.
“Come, I shall show you,” she says, leading us to the person in charge of that sort of thing.

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