Chapter 19

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Joong got out of the shower and saw Nine sat on the bed looking at his phone. Joong sat beside Nine and hugged him. That startled nine and look at Joong. "Are you ok?" Joong asked. Nine removed Joong's arms and smiled at him. 

"I'm fine Archen" Nine said. "No something's really bothering you" Joong said worriedly. "Nothing's bothering me" Nine said as he looked away from Joong. "Have I done something wrong?" Joong asked. "No you haven't It's all mine, so don't bother me" Nine said.

"I did something wrong right?" Joong asked."I said no you didn't, So please stop bo-" "I won't stop bothering you if you don't tell me! I'm worried Nine!" Joong snapped at Nine. Nine looked at Joong shocked. 

"Why are you even worried! Me being not ok is not even gonna affect you!" Nine shouted. "Ever since we came in this hotel room you changed Nine! You don't even hug me that much" Joong said. "What about it? Why don't you just hug your girlfriend" Nine mumbled the last part as he rolled his eyes. 

"Girlfriend? I don't have one Nine" Joong said. Nine eyes widened as he knew joong heard him. "And how did you know I have one?" Joong asked. "uh.. Don't mind that I was just talking none sense" Nine said as he looked away. 

"Nine are you jealous of something?" Joong asked. Nine shakes his head. Joong hugged Nine. "Come on tell me.." Joong whined. "Why would I be jealous? It's not that I like you or something" Nine rolled his eyes. 

"What if I like you then?" Joong said. "There's no way you'll like a guy Joong, you like girls" Nine chuckled sadly. "You changed me Nine... you made me like a guy... you" Joong mumbled as he placed his head on Nine's shoulder.

"Joong stop joking" Nine said as he tried to remove Joong's arms that was hugging him but that made Joong hugged him tighter. "Joong..." Nine called as turned to look at Joong who was already staring at him. 

Nine couldn't say what he was about to say since he's focused on Joong's eyes. Joong then started to lean to Nine while looking at Nine's lips. Nine was backing away but Joong grabbed at the back of nine's head and made Nine lean towards Joong.

Their lips touched it sync. Nine closed his eyes as Joong deepened the kiss. Joong bit Nine's lips making Nine open his mouth. Joong took the opportunity to slide in his tongue and fought with Nine's tongue.

They pulled away to catch their breathes. "Joong..." Nine called as he lowered his head. "Damn you don't know how long I want to do that Nine..." Joong whispered. Nine lays his head on Joong's shoulder. Joong hugged nine and smiled. 

"But who was that 'My cutie' in your contacts" Nine asked. "That was my cousin... You thought she was my girl friend?" Joong asked. Nine nodded. Joong chuckled. "I was busy with shooting, how can I have a girl friend nine?" Joong asked.

"And besides.. I love you" Joong said as he ruffled Nine's hair. Nine hugged Joong and mumbled "I love you too" making Joong smile.


any thoughts?

Behind the Camera || 2moons2 actors ffTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang