You're Hot【Mitch x Reader】

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"You can do it."

You sighed and looked up at your best friend, Clementine, who was currently trying to persuade you to confess your feelings to Mitch.

Of all the people you could fall for, it had to be bomb boy.

You could never tell how he felt about you. He was always so emotionless when you were around, and it made you fear that he didn't like you at all.

How were you supposed to tell him how you felt?

"I can't." You eventually replied to what Clem had said. "He's... pretty. And smart... and cool. He could never like me."

"Hey, don't say that." Clementine furrowed her eyebrows towards you, "that attitude will get you nowhere. If you really want a chance with him, then you have to try. You'll never know if he feels the same if you don't at least try." She lectured.

You knew deep down that she was right. But it was so much easier said than done.

You decided that you would follow her advice, though. You slowly turned your head to look over at Mitch. He was sat alone at a bench, fiddling with one of his small bombs that he liked to play around with when he was bored. You were surprised one hadn't blew up in his face yet.

You let out a sigh and slowly rose to your feet, glancing at Clem before making your way over to Mitch after taking a deep breath.

When you got close enough to the bench he was sat at, you stopped walking and mentally prepared yourself before opening your mouth.

"H-Hey, Mitch." You stammered, blushing lightly as the male glanced at you out of the corner of his eye.


You quickly lost the very little courage you had to say what you wanted to, so you instead tried to think of something else to say.

"Um... could- could I watch you play with your bomb thingy?"

He shrugged.

You assumed that meant he didn't care, so you slowly stepped towards him and took a seat beside him.

You fiddled with your fingers and watched Mitch mess with the bomb and mumble to himself. You became lost in thought as you stared at him.

You watched him bite his lip as he focussed, his hair slowly covering most of his face due to the way he was slouched over.

You sighed.

"You're so hot.."

Mitch stiffened up slightly and glanced over at you, raising an eyebrow. "I, uh.. thanks?" He blushed softly but you didn't really take notice, you were too embarrassed when you realized what you'd said.

Your cheeks heated up as Mitch turned away again.

"Fuck, I completely fucked everything up." You thought to yourself in a panic.

You sat there for an agonizing few seconds, then quickly got up and fled the scene, back in the direction of Clem who was watching from a distance.

Mitch turned his head slightly to look at you as you hurried away, a small frown settling on his face.

"Did you do i-"

"I fucked up, I fucked up." You cut Clem off and covered your face in shame.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Clementine frowned and placed a hand on your shoulder, "(Y/N), what happened? It seemed like you were doing fine.."

"I-" You glanced at her and nervously bit down on the inside of your cheek, "I, uh, I-I accidentally said that he was.. hot. And he heard. And he seemed really weirded out. I knew it, he must hate me."

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