You're Safe Now【Mitch x Fem!Reader】

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【Slight TW: mentions of r*pe - no actual r*pe takes place, but if you're uncomfortable with it then I suggest not reading.

You stirred slightly in your sleep, lazily rolling onto your side as your eyes slowly fluttered open. You stared ahead of you, then your gaze shifted to your alarm clock on the night stand.

It was just past 3 AM.

You shifted and got comfortable again, relieved that you didn't have to get up yet... but something didn't feel right. You couldn't get rid of the sensation that you were being watched.

You sat up, your eyes slowly adjusting to the dark in your pitch black dorm. You soon became aware that your window was wide open. You never left your window open.

You shivered as soon as you realized how cold it was. You stared at the window, wondering if there was a slight possibility that you could have forgotten to shut it.

You somehow managed to convince yourself that you were just overthinking it. That was until you noticed the many bras and panties scattered across your floor. They were yours, and your underwear drawer was pulled all the way out and completely messed up.

You knew immediately that you hadn't done this. You froze up, suddenly feeling incredibly uneasy.

You looked around your room, biting your lip before tentatively swinging your legs over the side of your bed. It squeaked softly as you got up.

You tiptoed over to your door, turning the handle and opening it, leaving the room quickly and shutting the door behind you as it made a soft clicking sound.

You weren't exactly sure what your plan was. You were hoping that maybe a teacher would still be awake, roaming the halls. It became apparent that the halls were empty though. It was dark, cold and scary.

Nevertheless, you began walking, hoping to find someone you could trust to vent your concerns to.

You hesitated before turning each corner, always poking your head out first as if you were expecting something to grab you. You were so on edge that when you saw the silhouette of someone near the water fountain, you let out a yelp, almost screaming.

The person was grumbling to themself quietly while you were approaching. You couldn't hear much apart from something about homework, and refusing to do it because it's all bullshit.

The water they were drinking from shut off, and they turned around rather quickly - probably because they heard you yelp.

You soon realized that it was Mitch. A kid who shared a dorm with Willy a couple doors down from you. He was the troublemaker type, and you didn't really talk to him much, but he had been nice to you during the few times you guys had interacted.

His brown hair was a mess, and he had on a loose black shirt and some black shorts with white stripes down the sides. He looked so wide awake, yet at the same time, he looked so tired.

Insomnia, perhaps?

The boy stared at you, his eyebrows raised slightly as if he were expecting you to be someone else. Maybe a teacher.

"Oh." His expression softened as he met eyes with the girl. "Hey, (Y/N)." He turned around again, turning the fountain back on.

"What are you doing up so late?" He asked while taking another sip of the water.

Still shaken up, you parted your lips to respond, but nothing came out.

Upon your lack of response, the boy just assumed you were waiting to use the fountain. He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand and turned, beginning to walk by you.

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