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A/N I want to see how many people know what this is from...
Our hoods conceal us.
Our robes bind us.
Our actions define us.
And our creed unites us.
There is also this one, who said it...
People find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than for being right.
And...who said it and what show is it from...
Don't speak out loud Anderson, you lower the IQ of the entire street.
And who play these characters in these TV shows.
Rose Tyler from Doctor Who:
Ronald Weasley from Harry Potter movies 1-7/8:
Hermione Granger from Harry Potter movies 1-7/8:
Lesterade from  BBC Sherlock:
The 10th Doctor from Doctor Who:
P.S BattonicDaEpic1020 can't answer these(1.Because I know that she probably knows all these answers and 2.She's watched/played/read all the answers somewhere before.) ...enjoy.

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