chapter fifteen (the appointment)

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Chase's POV
I wake up about 8 am and y/n is laying on my chest so I gently wake her up
Chase: wifey, wifey, wifey wake up
Y/n: huh what time is it
Chase: 8 am
Y/n: ok our appointment is in 2 hours I should get ready
Y/n go and takes a shower and dose her hair surprisingly she doesn't put any makeup on she looks beautiful without it and she doesn't put her contacts in she wears her glasses her natural beauty is so beautiful. I find my self just staring at her
Y/n: baby you good
Chase: oh um yeah you just look beautiful and I'm excited that we made a child together
Y/n: oh baby dont be so cheesy it makes me blush
Chase: I know it dose that's why I am so cheesy bc I love seeing you blush
Y/n: ok☺☺
We go to the doctors office and we get called back
Nurse: Y/n and Chase Hudson
We stand up and go back
Y/n: hi
Nurse: hi so how far along do you think you are
Y/n: I think like 2 months
Nurse: ok let's see. yep you are definitely 2 months and omg it looks like you are having twins
Chase: what twins?!
Y/n: aren't you more likely to have twins if you are a twin yourself
Nurse: yes and I took a DNA test on you and you have a twin
Y/n: what no I've been not a twin my entire life so I dont understand
Nurse: well you are
Chase: hmm weird we need to find your twin
Y/n: yeah but we also need to confront my mom and dad
Chase: yeah I agree
We leave the office and go back to the house to pack

We get packed and get on a plane to Tulsa Oklahoma then we get an ober to y/n's mom and dads
We get there and we confront them
Y/n: mom, dad do I have a twin
Y/n's dad: she found out
Y/n's mom: we knew she would
Y/n: well do I
Y/n's mom: yeah you do she lives in Scotland with you other uncle she is a princess and so are you
Y/n: what no way
Y/n's dad: yeah its true

To be continued

Love you nuggets

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