chapter eighteen

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Kover's POV
While we are at Y/n's parents house still
Y/n's dad: oh wow Eli is that really you
Eli: yes it is
Y/n: mom dad you haven't yet met Kover and Alex so here they are
Kover and Alex: hello
Y/n's mom: hi
Y/n: let's go back to LA
We go back to LA and Eli stays with cass bc we dont have enough rooms in the hype house to fit her into
Y/n: hey guys
Ryland: hey did you find your twin
Camron: yeah did you
Y/n: yeah we did, she is staying with cass
Y/n's POV
Chase: hey babe come with me
Y/n: ok
I go with chase and he takes me to a giant house
Chase: I bought this house for us so when our two bundles of joy come into the world we can rase them our self's ok its beautiful
We get settled in and stuff
Y/n: what's this room
Chase: dont go in there it's a surprise for the kids
Y/n: ok fine
I go and jump onto mine and Chase's giant bed it's so comfy ahhhhhh
Chase: you enjoying yourself
Y/n: yes very much so
We then go to bed bc its past midnight

Love ya nuggets
Sorry for the short chapter its 5:30 am and I'm tired

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