chapter twenty-seven(Trip to Branson)

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Chase's POV
Y/n's uncle came over to see the twins
Sean (y/n's uncle) : hey sweetie
Y/n: hey uncle Sean
Sean: how you been where is Jaden
Jaden: I'm right here
Y/n: we have been good do you want to meat the twins
Sean: of course
Chase: um hi I'm uh.. chase
Sean: I know
Chase: ok
Me and y/n take Sean to the baby room and he holds Cason as y/n holds Ava then they switch
Y/n: so how you been
Sean: oh just the same stuff still living in Branson
Chase: where is Branson
Y/n: oh yeah baby you've never been to Branson. We nee to go like right now.
I literally dont know where Branson is so like yeah I grew up in California and y/n grew up in Oklahoma
Chase: what state is it in
Sean: it's in Missouri
Chase: ok

Y/n's POV

We bring the twins and we fly to Branson. Jaden came with us. Chase and the twins are sleeping me and uncle Sean are talking
Sean: how did you and Chase meet
Y/n: well he is friends with Jaden
Sean: ohhhhh ok
Jaden: hey y/n how far are we from Branson?
Intercom the pilot: we will land shortly
Y/n: well that is your answer
Sean: yay
Y/n: hey baby wake up we are almost there
Chase: ok I'm excited
We land then we go to the hotel and then we make a plan
Y/n: so still have a season pass for silver dollar city so we can go tomorrow and the Wednesday we can do the go carts(today is monday)
Sean: sounds good

Love you nuggets to be continued

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