chapter twenty-five

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Y/n's POV
Anthony comes over and behind him is Jaden and Ugh Josh
Y/n: anfony!! *hugs Anthony*
Anthony: heyyyy  how do you feel
Y/n: fine do you want to see the twins
Jaden: hey lil sis I have a surprise for you
Y/n: ok what is it
Jaden: *hands y/n a kitten* it is a girl
Y/n: omg big bro she so adorable
Josh: hey y/n
Y/n: *runs to bedroom and crys*
Chase: hey, hey babe what's wrong
Chase: idk I knew Anthony was bringing Jaden but I didnt know about him bringing Josh
Y/n: get him out of our house please and tell Anthony to come here
Chase: ok anything for you princess
Anthony comes up to the room
Anthony: hey you ok
Anthony: I'm sorry I thought you got over him
Y/n: I did but this I saw his face and I just broke all over again
Anthony: ok y/n I'm so sorry I'll text you who I'm bringing if I come to the house
Y/n: ok can you tell Jaden to come here
Anthony: yeah will do

Jaden: hey lil sis
Y/n: hey big bro
Jaden: breathe with me ok in *breaths in* and out *breaths out* ok you calm
Y/n: yeah thanks bub. Is he gone
Jaden: who josh yeah he is
Y/n: kk
I go downstairs and grab my skateboard and go down the street Chase comes with we and we skate for a bit then we go home and watch and make tiktoks and he goes live

Love you nuggets

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