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It was the night of the party and Tony had invited everyone from the likes of T'Challa and Shuri to Sam and Bucky. "When you said everyone Wanda, you weren't kidding and look who it is, Captain Douchebag." mentioned  Peter.                                                                                                                       "Just leave him be, he's not attracting any attention to himself. Do it for me or at least for the baby." Wanda said.                                                                                                                                                              "Fine but you know after this we're definitely  having a baby shower."                                                        "Okay. Now come along Morgan we're going to go upstairs away from the noisy adults." Wanda told her.                                                                                                                                                                                       "I want a hamburger" Says Morgan.                                                                                                                     "You want a hamburger? Well I know you shouldn't have one at 8 o clock but I can't say no to your little face, come on into the kitchen." answered  Wanda. They go into the kitchen and Wanda shoo's everyone out and sits Morgan up on the work space while Wanda puts a burger in the microwave. 3 minutes later it is done but Wanda hears a giant crash in the living room. "Stay here." She whispers to Morgan. "Hide in the closet." So Morgan runs to the closet to hid and Wanda rushes through to see what's going on and she see's a big purple tyrant and aliens throwing the hero's across the room. "Wait your the one that started the Battle of New York." Said Tony but only to be chucked aside by the purple tyrant.                                                                   "Wanda!" Yells Peter and Wanda yells "Peter!" in return. They both run towards each other and hold hands which releases a big red and white beam that blows the tyrants head off, and the vision  simulation ends. "What was that?" Exclaims a voice. "I've studied the pair of them for longer than most villains have and I'm still defeated."                                                                                  "You underestimate them Thanos. There's a reason they are feared." Explains Oracle.                        "And you think, I should fear them? I've waited so long to hold the infinity stones, I NEED THAT POWER!! My own daughters have betrayed me and I'm still no closer to restoring balance in the universe. So you tell me why I should be scared."                                                                                                  "I'm not implying that, I just think you should take precautions or you'll end up just like in my vision."                                                                                                                                                                                        "Screw it, I'll take my chances, I've waited to long for this. Prepare my Black Order."                             "Yes Thanos but don't say I didn't warn you." Chuckled Oracle.

Now it was really was the night of the party and since the Oracle's simulation was the future taking It's course, those events were about to begin. "Stay here." She whispers to Morgan. "Hide in the closet." So Morgan runs over to the closet to hid and Wanda rushes through to see what's going on and she see's a big purple tyrant and aliens throwing the hero's across the room."Wait your the one that started the Battle of New York." Said Tony but only to be chucked aside by the purple tyrant.                                                                                                                                                             "Wan-  "I don't think so, not this time." Thanos smirked wacking Peter directly out of the way of Wanda.   "I over estimated Oracle's visions, this was way too easy, all those drunk hero's were easy targets. Now I must be having your baby."                                                                                                        "I don't think so. She isn't exactly born yet." Wanda growled like a wild animal.                                      "She? Even better, a replacement daughter filling in the space of Gamora and Nebula."                  "You are so deluded." Rasped Wanda. "You make me so sick"                                                                          " Okay, Now Proxima!" Said Thanos and as soon as he said those words Promixa Midnight fired a sonic blast towards Wanda. (Similar to the one Rhodey used in Captain America Civil War) A beam from Thanos's ship beamed Thanos, Wanda and his children back up to the ship. "Wanda!" Said Peter weakly as fainted to the ground from all the alcohol and being thrown around.

He awoke to a similar face, one he'd seen before but so long ago. "Strange!" Peter said with excitement, leaping up. "Actually wait a minute, didn't you refuse to help Wanda when she was dying?" He corrected himself.                                                                                                                                          "Yes but that was only for the good of your legacy, certain events wouldn't have happened if I intervened." Strange rambled on.                                                                                                                                  "Your a whole instruction manual aren't you? Read before use, don't do this or this will happen etc."                                                                                                                                                                                              "Do you want to safe your wife or not? Any idea where he would have taken her?" Steven asked.  "No clue, I've never seen him before in my life."                                                                                                      "Are you sure?"                                                                                                                                                                        "I'm sure I'd remember seeing a big ageing Barney ripoff, if I saw one."                                                         "Leave all the work to me then. Did he have a ship?"                                                                                             "Come to think of it, yes he did, a big circle type ship."                                                                                          "All you had to do was that. Now come on."   Steven Strange opened up a portal right onto Thanos's ship.     

You know what, I revoke my previous statement because I said MCU events didn't happen some did but some haven't yet like Avengers Infinity and Endgame. Plus I've made little changes to some MCU movie like Spider-Man Homecoming. I'm planning of making a series to explain what movies I've changed to put Spiderwitch in the MCU. Do you understand, comment if you don't 

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