Heaven Can Wait!

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"Where are we?" Peter asked. Looking around at a place he feels like he should know but can't seem to remember.                                                                                                                                                              "The Afterlife, Heaven if you may. The Afterlife is just basically another version of Earth where you can get everything and know anything you could ever imagine. I thought you'd rather spent a few days or more here than completely frozen while your wife tries ever so desperately to save you. Replied Death.                                                                                                                                                              "Oh you're so nice. But really why am I here?"                                                                                                        "Well you've heard of Thanos right? What do I mean of course you have! Anyway he's been committing thousands of mass murders across the world."                                                                              "Isn't that good for you guys?" Peter questioned him.                                                                                        "Not when there's too many that we might send them to the wrong place and upset the entire cosmic balance. Plus it's not just that those are sacrifices." He explained.                                                   "Sacrifices for what?"                                                                                                                                                           "Your baby Peter. It's his ultimate prize, if he succeeds in converting your daughter there's no telling the damage he could do."                                                                                                                           "Well we just won't let him."                                                                                                                                             "You mean Wanda because you're not getting out of here unless she kills him and let's hope for your sake she does."                                                                                                                                                          "Aww and here I thought you were just a cynical bastard."                                                                              "It's not you I'm worried about it's everyone else."                                                                                                "So you care more every other being on Earth more than what happens to me?"                                    "I suppose so, now let's end this conversation. I have more souls to collect."                                Death disappears. "Hmmm, rude. Oh well, I guess I'll just find something else to do while I wait? But how can I do anything knowing Wanda and my baby are out there with that psycho. I gotta get out of here."                                                                                                                                                                     "Psst!" Whispered a voice. Peter turned around but seen no one. There it was again a voice wanting him to come over. But it was getting closer. Then Loki appeared. "Aaah!!" Peter yelled.    "Oh sorry was I wearing my invisible cloak again? Anyhow I couldn't help myself but over hear that you want to escape this place?" Loki told Peter.                                                                                    "Oh, did I say that out loud? I mean yes! Yes I wanna escape from here Loki. But how?"                    "Follow me." Then Loki lead Peter to a secret underground area where there was almost like a secret society club of super-powered people going on. Peter didn't recognise anyone until he his face, it was Pietro! "Pietro! It's so good to finally meet you, obviously I wish it was under better circumstances but Hey."                                                                                                                                                      "Uhhh, do I know you?" Pietro says very confused.                                                                                                "No but I know you. I'm Peter, Peter Parker and I'm married to your sister Wanda."                                "You know Wanda?" Peter nods. "How is she doing and what about Clint? Has he changed much?"                                                                                                                                                                                      "Why would you wanna know about Clint?"                                                                                                            "No reason, nothing at all. Just continue, how's Wanda?"                                                                                  "Oh she's doing really good well I don't know how she is now but when I left she was alright except she was crying because I had to be taken away but BIG news she's pregnant?"                       "Oh wow that's great news, is it a boy or a girl?"                                                                                                     "A girl!"                                                                                                                                                                                     "Well I'm happy for you guys, although I'm a dead uncle and your a dead father. So you can kiss goodbye to the world forever unless we get a way out of here. I'd like to be more supportive but it's just getting to the point where I give up trying to escape and I frankly don't care anymore. That's what the Afterlife does to you when you've been here for 7 years, never mind 2 minutes"     "Okay, you've probably gone insane here but we'll work on that." Peter start to giggle but it quickly fades due to everyone staring at him.                                                                                                           "Okay I hate to break whatever's going on here but I've been trapped here for long enough. I wanna be free, wreak havoc and possibly find a partner in crime that isn't my idiot of a brother who wants me to be a stupid Avenger-                                                                                                                        "You do know we're Avengers right?" Peter says and Pietro finishes with "And besides what's so wrong with being an Avenger?"                                                                                                                                      "Ugh, don't even get me started but nevertheless I have a plan of how to escape-                                "Loki why are you in Heaven?" Peter queried.                                                                                                          " I snuck in a few months ago while hundreds of Thanos victims arrived using my invisibility cloak. NOW STOP INTERRUPTING ME! As I was saying I have a plan on how to escape. So you all have powers except weird cloak guy over there, who refuses to show his face. Do you have powers newbie?"                                                                                                                                                                 "You really don't recognise me? Peter Parker? Spiderman?"                                                                             "Ahha, no doesn't ring a bell. Anyway I'm gonna need one of you to kill an angel, um Brock you do it cause you never miss."                                                                                                                                   "Brock as in Brock Rumlow aka Crossbones?" Said Peter.                                                                                 "Yes, do you have a point? We're all villains except you, what's your name Pepper?"                             "It's Peter."                                                                                                                                                                               "Whatever, Peter. You are a hero and Pietro is an ex villain/hero. And the rest of us are villains. How badly do you wanna get out of here? Bad enough that's you'll work with us?"                            "I guess."                                                                                                                                                                                   "Then shut up. My plan is we need angel blood, which is where you come in Brock and also I'll need some off everyone's blood. So I can create a portal out of here. Everyone got it? Capeesh?"   Everyone agrees.                                                                                                                                                                  "I don't trust anyone here and especially the hooded guy over there."                                              "Yeah but I'd do right about anything for a way out of here." Pietro tells Peter.                                                                           


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