Angel of Death

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The trio began to tidy the abomination from what was left in the house after Thanos attacked. Wanda began picking up chunks of broken wood when Peter told her not to because of the baby. That was his excuse for everything nowadays. "I'm not completely useless, you know. I'm barely pregnant" Wanda said. So she walked towards what used to be a window, which was now just a hole until she spotted a figure in the garden, just staring through the hole at her Wanda, well not specifically her but someone else. "Hey Doctor, is that one of your friends outside?" She asked.   Stephen walked towards the non window, he did the usual walk he does when something's serious. "Ahahaha funny joke Wanda." Stephen said in a sarcastic tone.                                                      Wanda was confused, "Maybe he's older than I thought. Probably going blind." She thought. "Peter come see this" She demanded.                                                                                                                         So he did and looked out the gaping hole but he gave a similar expression  just as Stephen did before. "There's nothing there." Peter said giving her a small kiss on the cheek before continuing fixing the house.                                                                                                                                                                     "Are you guys seriously BLIND!!??".                                                                                                                                "Relax honey, it's probably just your mind playing tricks on you.".                                                                  "Out of my way Peter." She says walking up to the figure and placing her arm on his shoulder. "Well I don't know Parker maybe she could be a mime?".                                                                                    Wanda makes a face while making hand gestures pointing to the man but the men just shrug their shoulders. "Okay I give up" She says under her breath. "Hi, why are you standing in my garden being a pervert and why can nobody see you, except me?"                                                                "I choose who sees me" He replied.                                                                                                                          "Excuse me?".                                                                                                                                                                       "I don't mean to be rude but if you excuse me I have business to attend to."                                             "And what is that 'business' because it seems to involve us."                                                                          "You really don't want to know, Wanda.".                                                                                                                    "You know my name?" Wanda says in shock.                                                                                                            "Oh yes, I know everyone's name. You're mother's, your brother's, heck I even knew Vision.".          "Fascinating, anyways as much as I wanna know about how you know my family, I wanna know who you are and why you're here.".                                                                                                                          "I'm the Angel of Death and I'm here to collect your husband's soul. You see I have a list and the people that appear on it are next to die and I'm just here to see how things are going."                   "You can't have him." Wanda says glowing eyes and all.                                                                                      "Oh don't worry it's not his time yet. Still about a week or two, you can never sure with this kind of thing.".                                                                                                                                                                         "THAT'S IT!!!!!" Wanda screams unleashing a beam of red energy into the ground where Death stood. When the smoke faded away Death was still there. "I'm neither good or bad, I'm neutral and also inevitable. You can't stop me Wanda, I always deliver on time. And some advice don't do that again or you'll end up on my list as well." He echoed as he vanished.                                        "Did he just threaten me?" Wanda says to herself.                                                                                                 "Honey!" Says Peter running out to the garden. "Why did make a crater in the garden?".                    Wanda ran towards him and hugged him. "I won't let him take you.".                                                            "Ummmm, okay" Peter said in a frightened voice. "Who is he?".                                                                     "Doesn't matter cause he's not getting you.".                                                                                                            "Do I have an admirer?" Peter asked.                                                                                                                            "Shut that pretty little mouth of yours and come inside." Wanda said. 

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