Death takes a Parker

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Everywhere Wanda and Peter went the Angel of Death followed but Peter was oblivious to the situation. Each and every day Peter was closer and closer to being taken by Death, so Wanda had to act fast and her way to the beach. "Spirits of Air, Sand and Sea, Converge to set the Angel free, In the Wind, I send this rhyme, Bring Death before my time." She chanted. The spell did it's justice and brought Death before her very eyes. "What is the meaning- He said as he turned to see Wanda before continuing again. "Wanda, there's nothing can do. If he's on my list, it's my job to see it through until he's-                                                                                                                                                "Dead?" Wanda says starting to cry. "You're enjoying this aren't you?".                                                        "I'm not the big bad evil, you claim me to be I'm not good nor evil, I'm netrual."                                     "Whatever. You can't have him so I'll shield Peter from your radar and see if you can find him now.".                                                                                                                                                                                           "I don't think you realise who your dealing with. I will find Peter, I always get my souls. Never mess with Death." Death's voice echoed after teleporting away.                                                                      "We'll see about that." Wanda warned the angel as she walked across what seemed like an endless beach.

Wanda was in the attic looking through things the old family that lived there left. Most of it was old toys, old books and just more old stuff. She was about to leave when she stepped on a notepad labelled "Angel of Death". Wanda opened the book, skimming all the text, hoping to find a way to stop Death. "You won't find your answers in there." Said a voice.                                      "I will stop you. Your not taking my husband.".                                                                                                      "I can assure you I will".                                                                                                                                                       Wanda's eyes started to glow red and her hands too. She began to try to do the impossible: kill Death. "Hi honey I'm home!" Peter yelled, walking in the somewhat reformed house. But Wanda or Death couldn't hear him. Peter walked up the stairs looking for Wanda until he found her in the attic. "Ah there you are." He said in relief. "Who are you talking to?".                                                      "Uhhh no one, well actually they just left.".                                                                                                                "No I'm still here." Death reminded her.                                                                                                                       "SHUT UP!!!" Wanda screamed. Peter just looked around the room but no one was there.                 "Ok what is going on??" Peter asked.  And just then the Angel of Death made himself visible to Peter. "Peter Parker your time has come.".                                                                                                                  "For what, exactly?".  Peter said. Wanda started to cry. "I haven't been exactly truthful to you. A few weeks ago when Stephen was helping us clean and I said I seen someone outside but none of you could see him. He's the Angel of Death and he has to take you away."                                             "What?" Peter said also started to cry.                                                                                                                          "I'm sorry I couldn't save you.".                                                                                                                                        "I know you tried. I love you Wanda Parker.".                                                                                                             "I love you too but I will get you out of there.".                                                                                                          "And if for some hellbound reason you can't. Just remember you were the only one for me and tell our daughter all about her wonderful daddy." Before Peter had to go, the two kissed like they had never before. Death took Peter through a white portal that signified Heaven. "I will get you out of there." Wanda promised. Then began crying once more.

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