day 16

797 42 7

She was excited to find 150 new emails in her inbox. Not. She regretted ever allowing her boss to use her as a new Jaehee. This isn't what she wanted to deal with as soon as she sat down. Sure, work can be done at home but she cared too much about sleep to stay up too late.

She wished she could be like Jaehee, able to pull through everything and still be able to stand and work even harder the next day. She was the ultimate worker but it clearly wasn't very fulfilling. She could see from all the bags and yawning that she was exhausted.

'What did I do to become a slave of the harsh reality of capitalism? Does society really hate me that much?'

(Y/N) wanted to scream a curse whenever Jumin emailed her telling her to do more work, the urge was stronger when she saw him in person. It took all her energy and strength not to damn his work standard's right to his face.

'That would definitely get me fired.'

Apart of me, she wished he could let her rest in his office again. Even if it was just to let them stay calm while working; she hated working this much. It was getting ridiculous how much he was giving her.

Even Jaehee noticed it, asking for her from her or Jumin to save (Y/N). A true change in roles in their dynamic.

She stared at the emails mocking her. Slimming over them as she focused on the key parts, pondering on the answer as she moved to type. What was she going to say to this medicine company? Or this fashion magazine? All of them ranging in personality and each needing a unique response.

She wanted to do more than anything a robotic and auto-generated response like usual but she needed to properly communicate with so many of these new business partners and clients.

She researched as many of the company's as she could. Consuming her time trying to learn as much as she could before she could even write an opening sentence.

What would Jaehee friends say about this? I've missed seeing their texts. Their friendships were so strange. Luciel's constant teasing to Yoosung, Zen's narcissistic personality being beaten by their dismissive responses.

'i wonder if I could ever join their group? It seems like so much fun.'

"Are you alright, (Y/N)?"

"Jaehee!!! Yes! I'm alright!"

She came back to planet earth so suddenly she got scared by her own friend. Spinning around to see her worried expression. She gave her a bright smile in hopes to cease her worries.

"You were staring at your screen."

"I just got lost in thought, how's the RFA?"

"Lively as ever, Yoosung has been texting to see if anyone on."

"Oh??! Can I message him?"

"I'm not sure- we have to work-"

"Please!!!! I swear I just want to talk to him for a little!"

"Fine, but you need to focus on your work."

"I know but right now Yoosung is calling for my special expertise~"

Jaehee handed her phone to her, going back to her own work. Worried for her friend but felt relieved she could take this as a moment to not be forced to do work.

[Jaehee Kang has entered the chat]

'Yoosung, it is a magical princess here to save you!'

'Jaehee?? Lol lol are you ok?'

'it's me! (Y/N)! I'm slacking off work because I heard you're needing attention'

'i wouldn't say that...'

'But isn't Jumin going to fire you if he catches you?'

'i'll worry about that later, what's up?'

The woman hissed hearing the young males crying emoji. Cursing Luciel for making them have sound; especially making this puppy of a boy one sound like it's form a porno. She was definitely going to get caught with she doesn't mute it.

So she muted it. She wasn't going to get caught because of a stupid emoji.

'i feel so bored, the LOLLOL server is going under an update and I don't know what to do'

'why not study? You're in school, right?'


'then actually do something useful'

'we're the same age but you sound just like Jumin!! I can't be bothered to study, I think I'll join a new club'

'you're going to join a new club because your game is down for an hour or so? Isn't that much more work?'



'don't ya me, unlike you, I have a job and finished university'

'ugh! That's because you're really smart!!'

'no, nerd, it's because I studied. Now get up from the couch and go study'

'oh! LOLLOL is back up! I'm going to head out!'


'bye (Y/N) ^^'

[Jumin Han has entered the chatroom]

'Shit its Jumin!!!'

'speaking of doing something useful, I see you're openly slacking off right Infront of my office'

'get back to work'

'Sorry, sir! I'll get back to it! Pleasedon'tfireme'

[Jaehee Kang has left the chatroom]

'disrespectful woman'

[Jumin Han has left the chatroom]

დ*°𝒱𝒾𝑜𝓁𝑒𝓉  𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 *°დ{Jumin Han X reader} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now