day 28

731 39 0

'What a miserable grey.'

It was raining. A heavy downpour crashing down from the sky above, drenching the streets in massive puddles. (Y/N) stared it from the safety of the entrance of the office. Fearing to go outside but she already clocked out.

She doubts she could just go back and do more work until the rain passes. With the heavy sigh, she headed towards the doors, spinning then around slowly as the pitter-patter of rain became clearer to her ears.

She raised her arms above her head, barely hiding from the rain. She moved her purse onto her head but it only let a waterfall form. Droplets running down her face as she jogged down the street.

She took the bus to work today as it needed repairs; it was fairly old so it was bound to start malfunctioning. What she didn't expect it to rain.

'It's so cold! I should have brought a coat, why did it have to rain after so long of sun?"

The young female shoved past the grumpy people walking down the pavement. Either with umbrella's or coats, some were like her and suffered under the harsh downpour. Ignoring their rude remarks when she bumped into them, or when her elbow just grazed their umbrella.

The bus stop wasn't too far luckily but it was the waiting that got to her. Everyone was huddled under the roof of the stop that she couldn't even fit with them. She moved past the crowd, standing further to the side.

It was as if by a miracle the rain stopped. Looked around confused as rain still existed. Looking up to see the underneath of an umbrella, the followed he arm holding onto it, turns out that arm belonged to jumin Han. She smiled at him, relief to be saved from the rain but confused about why he was there.

"Mr Director?" She asked, confused by his appearance.

He was under the umbrella two, tall enough to cover both of them but he could feel rain run down his back. His face never changed from its stoic expression but internally he was complaining.

"That's new, is there a reason you're changing how you refer to me?"

He raised a brow, staring down at her.

"I figured I should spice it up whilst I get use to referring to you as Mr Han."

"You're persistence to challenge me is shocking."

She turned to him, hands balling up into fists as she raised up to each side of her face. As if she was ready to fight.

"Challenge?! What are you implying?!"

"That you're avoiding calling me Mr Han."

He turned to her. His eyes glancing to her first. He suppressed his smile; not wanting to show how in awe he was out how small she was. Her behaviour reminding him of a cat, one second they're letting you pet their belly the next they're glaring at you across the room because you didn't do it perfectly.

"So blunt, you can't go assuming things going on in a woman's mind, a huge turn-off."

She jabbed the side of her and then his forehead, her heels just lifting off the floor.

"And why would I need to be a turn on? Especially for you? Last time I recall you were my employee, who keeps avoiding wearing her full uniform."

Jumin hopes she couldn't see the faint blush dusting his face. He wasn't much of a blusher but her words struck him repeatedly. A stab to his heart as it leapt out of his chest and into her hands and a stab to his brain where all types of reason disappeared as he imagined her doing... respectable things.

But it was all meaningless as (Y/N)s face was covered in red. Flustered at his words. The way his brow quirked upwards, his slim angular eyes just squinting ever so slightly giving him a more intense look with a flicker of a smirk gracing his face.

"I just mean- well you know! Stop assuming things!"

She kept up her tough front, marching one step forward.

"And stop going against me."

He spoke calmly, replicating her movements but in a more subtle manner.

"I wouldn't go against you so much if you didn't try to make me wear ridiculous things and change my hair! I'm beautiful just the way I am!"

She raised her voice, stomping her foot. She could imagine all the men that have flirted and 'complimented' her ever since she's joined. If this is what being beautiful was then she wanted no part in it but she refused to make such a change to herself.

She already thought she was ugly. Why intensify it? Then she'd have completely no chance with love.

"Exactly, that's a problem."

"You- you think I'm beautiful?"

Steam rose off her cheeks. Hands trembling as she kept them close to her chest, she could feel her heart pound faster every second.

He turned his head to the side, embarrassed at his own words. Coughing into his hand just as an excuse to cover some of it.

Jumin has agreed before that he believes (Y/N) is good looking, both of them knew it but this time. There was an actual meaning, a feeling behind it. For both of them, this time was different.

"Your face is aesthetically pleasing if that's what you mean, besides, plenty of people have shown attraction to you."

"That's true but it's always in a creepy way, you don't see me like that."

'i don't, that's why I want to cherish you and show you that every day...'

His body tensed up, a small version of himself throwing away his thoughts as it flashed images of the countless women by his father side. All the women in his life leaving him in some form of way or another, using his father for his money, ignoring him as he grew up to be the man he is.

"I don't need to, but because of your looks people will keep harassing you."

The man was back to his calculated self, turning his head back to her.

"That's not my fault! I shouldn't change just because I'm someone's type."

By now there was plenty of people staring; watching in silence as they argued. Most people recognizing Jumin from the papers or they were an employee themself.

That wasn't their focus though, whilst bickering their bodies got closer and closer. Just now noticing they were chest to chest.

They snapped away from each other, the young female crossing her arms as she watched the road. Jumin stared down the road, glaring at the streets.

"You're so fickle." He muttered.

"You're a brat."

Another wave of silence. (Y/N) panicking; no matter how close they were she doubted she'd get away with that. Her brain screaming at her as a red alarm went off, being fired tasted so horrible and yet it was coming to her.

She glared at him from the corner of her eye but it was more to watch him in case he was thinking or mad. He looked normal but that didn't stop her worries.

"If you're done glaring at me, I shall take you home."

He turned to her, tilting his head. Acting as if mother just happened.


She was completely shocked. She wasn't expecting to get away with her attitude but here we were.

"You're going to get drenched here and the buses are experiencing delays, I'd be only logical that you let me take you home."

She slowly nodded. A weak smile forming on her face.

"I- Really? You'd do that?"

"Yes, let's go, shall we? Driver Kim is parked nearby."

დ*°𝒱𝒾𝑜𝓁𝑒𝓉  𝐻𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉 *°დ{Jumin Han X reader} DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now