Chapter 3

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"yes...It is," She said and I clenched my fists, this wasn't the first time someone betrayed me, but it still hurts.

"The first person who my dad sold me to was immensely lusty, I-I couldn't bear him and so I ran from that place. That's when my dad made it his business, I'm sorry I should've told you before, I had no intentions of keeping anything from you, It's just-I'm not a prostitute Bill." She whispered the last words, not meeting my eyes, her voice completely broken, her hands and legs trembling, she was on the verge of tears but didn't allow a single tear to leave her eyes, and I just sat there staring at her, not knowing what to say.

"Look at me," I said as I moved to sit beside her, she shifted a little not giving any response.

"Julia, look at me," I repeated and she moved her face to my level, her eyes still looking elsewhere.

"I'll say it one last time Julia, look me in the eyes," I said yet again and she locked her eyes with mine.

"I promise you that I won't use you for any kind of dirty work or my pleasures," I said and she looked taken aback at my words, of course, she wasn't expecting her buyer to say this, I'm aware of bastards like her father and that's what I bought her for.

"But, you'll have to promise me something too," I continued not being able to read her expressions.

"Promise me you won't run away this time," I told her and she looked away.

"My dad would kill me." She said

"No he wouldn't, you don't belong to him anymore and he doesn't know about this place," I replied.

"You won't have to go back, give me your phone." I held my hand out for her phone and she stared at me with an awkward look.

"What? I'm just asking for your phone." I said and she gave her phone to me and I stood up and walked towards the kitchen.

"I'll get you a new one by tomorrow, oh and if you have any numbers which belong to your friends you can write them down, But you will not contact your dad," I told her.

"I don't want to, just take it, I don't have any friends." She mumbled loud enough for me to hear.

"You don't have any friends?"

"No, I never got a chance to make any."

I didn't know what to say to that. How was she living without a friend? Without another word, I left for the kitchen.

A few minutes later she came and stood at the doorway.

"Can I come in?" She asked and I kept looking at her awkwardly, she stood there for a while and then turned back.

"Where are you going?" I asked her as she started to leave.

"I asked you if I can come in and you didn't give any response so I thought it was a no."

"Julia, its a kitchen not my bedroom that you need my permission to enter,"

"Come in," I said and she went to the slab and stood there looking at the floor.

"I-I wanted to help," she said hesitantly looking towards me.

"Only if it's okay with you." She quickly added when I replied to her with the same awkward stare. What's wrong with me?

"Yeah yeah sure, of course, I'm perfectly fine with it, you can cut the veggies if you want."

"Try not to cut your hand, the knife's sharp," I warned as Julia went for the knife.

My thoughts were roaming around her first buyer, what kind of a man was he? Why would he do that to her? Who can be that lusty? well except for some assholes.

"Julia?" I suddenly spoke making her jump, I let out a small chuckle at her response.

"Wow! You really seem to be lost in your work." I laughed and she gave me a 'not funny' look.

"Anyways, I wanted to ask you something," I started and she hummed in response.

"Eric Sommers isn't your real father, is he?" I asked and she stopped cutting.

"No, He's my stepfather."

"Mom married him after dad died."

"So who was your father? As in your real father."

"Alex Maguire, after marriage mom changed her last name but I didn't, I'm still Julia Maguire." She said and started cutting the vegetables again.

She clearly wasn't interested in talking about it and I didn't want to force her.


There was dead silence in the kitchen and I couldn't resist it anymore.

"What kind of music do you listen to?" I suddenly questioned and surprisingly she didn't flinch this time. She was pretty good at catching things in a short time.

"I like calm, meditating music, but I also like pop and hip hop, it depends on my mood," She replied, so lost in her work that she didn't even notice my gaze was on her all this time which was so cute- wait, what am I thinking about.

"But I never listen to sad songs no matter how depressed I am." She added and I couldn't help but admire her features, her sleek brown shoulder-length hair tied loosely into a side ponytail, she was wearing an oversized white T-shirt with comfy black trousers- what the hell is wrong with me, I continued my work shaking all the thoughts out of mind.

"So, what artists do you listen to?" I asked her trying to distract myself.

"Hmm, well, do you know BTS?"
[Insert Jin's voice lolol]


[A/N]: I love y'all, STAN BTS!! only if you want to stan lol

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