Chapter 19

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"I can't believe you deleted my number..." He said as I pulled my boxers on.

"I was pissed at you that time, it was natural," I replied, turning my neck sideways to look at his tired, sexy figure laying straight on the bed, too exhausted to shift even a little.

"And you breaking up with me just cuz of that friend of yours?! Was that natural too?" He questioned.

"Of course it was, I can't tolerate anyone talking shit about my friends." I voiced, putting on my trousers, as he laid still.

"But he hates you! I hate everyone who hates you." He answered, swirling his hands around my thigh.

"You're doing it again," I warned and he pouted.

"I love you Chris Davis, why can't you just accept it?" He asked as I finally clothed myself.

"Logan," I spoke, sitting beside him, my fingers turning round his long curls.

"I'm just not the one for you, I'm sure you'll find someone better than me." I uttered and stood up, taking a sweatshirt out from my closet and handing it to Logan's lazy form.

"Love ain't no game dude, I'll love you no matter what, and Its not my fault I fell for you in the first place," He spoke in an unusually soft voice. How should I tell him? Should I even tell him? 

"Then sweetheart, Its not my fault I didn't fall for you," I said, not making an eye contact. Not this time. Love really is something, huh?

"By the way, How's Hannah?" He questioned.

"She was good the last time I talked to her,"

"She's literally the only friend you have that I like. And I don't like Bill at all! What did you ever do to that dude, like damn the hell's wrong with him?"

"There's nothing wrong with him, okay?! Don't speak without knowing the whole story!" I raged and he scowled.

"Then tell me! Give me the rights of a boyfriend not a sex machine!" He exclaimed and my eyes widened, seeing his welled up with tears.

"Fine then! listen and hate me, maybe this is what I deserve!" And I told Logan, everything that night. Every single reason Bill hated me for.

Love comes before trust. And if I trust him enough to tell him the biggest secret of my life, then... no. He definitely hates me now.


"Speechless, right? Dress up and leave, I know you won't wanna see me again."

"Stop presuming things on your own, I still stand by my words, I'll love you no matter what." He voiced firmly, leaving me in utter shock.

"Logan I'm a fucking mu-"

"I DON'T CARE! Okay? I seriously don't care who are you! By telling me the truth, you gave me a reason to not hate Bill. But I don't see anything that can possibly make me even fall out of love with you...hating you is far fetched. I accept you for who you are Chris."

"You've fallen that hard? For a guy like me...?" I asked, not being able to believe if such kind of love still exists in this world.

"Much, much harder. And now I know you have too, why did you lie, huh?"

"How do you-"

"-know? You trusted me with that kind of secret and you still wanna say you don't love me? I just wanna know why do you want me to not love you when you feel the same way for me?"

"Because it won't be healthy, neither for me nor for you. I'm not an angel, I'm a bad person, I do bad things and I don't want you involved!"

"Its okay, Chris. No one in this world is milk white pure, I might've not done things as bad, but I'm not even willing to get to your level just to be able to deserve you. And I won't tell you to suddenly stop doing evil deeds and become a saint or shit like that. But believe me, I know you're a better person if you just try to focus on the good side. And when it comes on not being an angel, I don't want an angel, I just want you." Logan said, sitting with his back supported by the bed. The sheets covering his bottom, leaving the torso bare, for my eyes to linger over.

"Plus I'm kind of into bad boys." He added, smirking and oh how much that flawless body was torturing my erection. Though we did it just then.

"Y'know, your emotional speech right now didn't really sit well with the hot condition of pain you're in right now. And you're not getting no other bad boys until I'm alive." I purred, hovering over Logan as he pushed himself in the bed, hoping for it to dissolve him while glaring at me with agitated eyes. Desire and hesitation assorted. How cute.

"Oh, please not again. Mphnha!"

"Fuck! Logan, I love you so much."


Deep inside I always knew, but I wasn't ready to accept it. I couldn't admit my feelings, nor could I trust his.

"You're serious?" I asked, giving him a chance to change what he said.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" He questioned back, with the most vulnerable expression I had ever seen.

"No, but...Bill, why would you say that?"

"Because I do love you Julia,"

"I know that! Bill, but...why?" I asked, not knowing how to respond.

"I don't have an answer to that, not a great time to confess, right? I know. I'll give you some space for the while, just, don't... don't leave me, please. I won't even tell you to keep your promise of not running away, but its just a request, please don't leave me alone." He said and without another word, he left the room.

I plopped on the bed, wet hair dampening my back, but I couldn't care less about drying them. I was all too confused about what had Bill just said. He just confessed, didn't even speak much. But he didn't need to speak. His actions had been proving his feelings for way too long, The way his eyes glazed with sparkles, the way he'd make different excuses just to be with me, how he was ready to throw hands over Williams for me, how he had cried for me, him acting all weird all of a sudden, it all showed his feelings. Feelings I had remained unaware of, for such a long span of time.

Why did I have to ignore that till now? What's stopping me from ignoring it now?

I knew I felt something like Bill, but I just couldn't bring myself to take any decision.

Is love feels? Confusing as hell, yet gives off a sense like nothing can go wrong. 

I wish to love you too Bill. If only I had a bit more belief in myself.


[A/N]:I had a hard time writing this chapter, kept getting deleted smh. Anyway, hope you're fine and doing good in your life. Take care of yourself and don't forget I love you!!!

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Stay Happy❣

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