Chapter 18

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I rushed to Julia's room at the loud whimpers of my name next morning just to find that her dumb brain told her to get up and start walking, she ended up falling beside the bed. I helped her get up and back on the bed with my heart racing faster than the speed of light because of how little the distance between us was. I practically ran out of the room, excusing to get some water for her, when the actual reason was my burning face.

I came back with a glass of water and saw Julia already drinking it from one.

"You're acting...weird, ow!" Julia uttered, grunting in pain as she moved her hand unconsciously to place the glass on the night stand, and I realized that I had already given her some water and there I was, standing with another glass.

"Weird? Me? no, I'm totally not acting weird. Not at all." I said shaking my head, assuring myself in a way. Julia looked at me with an unsatisfied look, but chose to ignore the topic as she drank the second glass of water.

I took a break from work to save time for Julia, telling her that I was tired of toiling and wanted to rest, when it was just because of her health. I would do all the chores and scold her like a mom even if she tried getting out of bed without me close by. 

Three weeks had passed and alot had changed. Julia had almost recovered, other than the fact that she still had difficulty walking, which caused her to slightly limp. The appointments with the doctor were over and it gave both of us a sense of freedom and so we decided to eat out.

"Thfs iz hefven," Julia blurted, mouth filled with noodles with no space to speak, but somehow, she still managed to do so.

"I'm glad you like it." I replied, lost in her adorable extra puffed cheeks as she struggled to chew all the food she had stuffed in her mouth.

"Honestly Bill! This is the best place I've seen! And they even have these cute, little decors all over the walls, makes me want to quietly steal some." She said, with sparkle in her eyes. The only decoration I had ever wanted to steal.  

"I knew you'd love this place," I responded and she gave me the biggest sheepish smile.

"Yeah? Well... it really is nice and peaceful. How did you get to know about this place?" She asked.

"I came here once before with Hannah, I liked the surrounding so I thought of bringing you here." I answered and she nodded, continuing her meal.

We came back home and I gave my hand to support Julia to walk.

"Can I ask you something?" I questioned as she snugged on the bed. I sat myself on the armchair.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Have you... ever been in love?" I asked, hesitantly.

"Love eh? I haven't been in friendship with anyone until you showed up and you're talking about love,"

"Yeah right, I forgot."

"Though I've been alot of people' mate. But... I never-" 

"Its- okay, if you're not comfortable talking about it. Its fine, really." I spoke, cutting her off.

"No, I'm okay talking about it, with you. You're one of my buyers too, anyway, I know you told me to forget about you buying me, but it'll always remain a fact, right? And... I never got a chance to show you how grateful I am, you bought me and to be very honest I was ready to give myself to you. At that time, it was like a routine for me. Another day, another person." She uttered and I felt an unexpected emotion inside, it was a mixture of rage and pity. Something I had never experienced before.

"I used to throw up every morning, rubbed my body under shower till the flesh would appear because I was disgusted in my own skin and how much lust touched it each and everyday." She went on with a sorrowful smile on her face, a layer of tears brimming in her eyes, but something stopped them from flowing out.

"It was another day for me, someone was coming to buy me. I got ready, went downstairs and saw you sitting with my dad. I hated you, that time. I hated you without even knowing who you were, without even seeing you. I just hated all the people like you, people who buy other people, think of them as objects, use them and throw them, or kill them, or...but, you weren't like those people. When I saw you the first time, when you looked at me. Bill, I saw nothing but respect in your eyes. And I see the same respect, to this day. Respect for a girl like me," She continued, this time, her smile was pleasant, as her tearful gaze landed on me.

"Just so you know, I'll always respect you and be there with you. I might not have been there before, but I- I promise you that I'll try my best to always keep you saf-" I spoke but she cut me off.

"-You don't need to, its not your duty or anything and, I'm not some helpless, weak woman. I can defend myself better than wait for your, or anyone else's help." She said, sitting on the bed with her feet touching the floor.

"I know, you can defend yourself. But you should know I won't leave your side. I'm not sure if I can always be there when you actually need me, but, I'll always be there behind your back, you can trust me with that."

"Yeah, thanks Bill. You've already done alot for me. You know, that day, when you said you wouldn't use me for your pleasures, I honestly wasn't expecting it coming from you. I was really surprised, but I soon realized that people like you still exist, you just came like an angel in my life. You totally changed it from hell to a livable place. Thank you for everything you've done for me." She uttered and I just blankly stared at her. My eyes moistening as she limped towards the bathroom and I stood up to help her but she was fast and had already closed the door behind her.

It gave me time to process all that she had said. The story I never knew about. Her story, that I had remained oblivious of. Never had I even thought that it would be this heart wrenching, but, after all, everyone have their own complications in life. Life is not a quality child care institution, its a horrible truth of good and bad events. Julia's life hasn't been any different, though she was quite young to experience all those things.

And I wasn't the only one who came as an angel in your life. The impact of your mere presence did the same in my life as well.

"You're... still here?" My thoughts were interrupted by a sweet voice, I looked up to see Julia in a bathrobe, water droplets still falling from her sleek hair.

"...yeah...yeah, I... this room is really comfy, I didn't even notice for how long were you in there, heh." I reasoned and she replied with an 'oh'.

"I'm sorry, you just asked me if I had ever been in love and I ended up telling you my life story, without even knowing if you wanted to hear it or not... I just wanted to vent to someone," She voiced.

"Julia?" I called out and her beautiful eyes looked at me. 

"If, someone loved what would you do, If...if I say I love you?" 


[A/N]: If you get tired, learn to rest, not to quit.

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Stay Happy❣

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