More Impormation(just short)

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People that will be in the story

other gamers might be in the story


there might be other ships i will add here such as


You can suggest some ships too. To keep the story thrilling and all. That is all for today.

Please don't harass them such as making them uncomfortable about joking around each other and saying cute flirty jokes. We don't want them to feel uncomfortable whenever they will do or say anything to each other.

Arts in this story will be credited once they are not mine at all. Though i will keep on using my own arts to put picture or something. Also, please do say if Sapnap's real name is Sapnap ;w; cuz i dunno.

I can't put the roles in this chapter of impormation since i still don't have enough people to use. And also i might get confused about it if i do it. But i will put their roles here once i planned about it.

There might be some mispells, wrong grammar, and some harsh words in this book so i am warning you. Also homophobic is outta here—just saying.

I update randomly i won't do update days cuz i get a bit busy, ever since this Virus spread all around the world.

We don't want hate comments here.

That is all for this. I will edit this like i said once i planned about the characters and their roles.

Signs(Gream/DreamNotFound) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now