Chapter 3(⚠️)

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This chapter involves, blood gore, swears, death—You have been warned—;w; i don't write blood gores. But i heard of this one song that is my fav when i was a child—(smoke and mirrors) so yah i am weird child before.

Dream's POV

"Hey Dave have you seen George?" I've been looking for George for almost about 3 hours. Ever since i woke up he was gone and none of the people in the town seen him..i looked at all over the castle and i am starting to get worried sick.."No? I mean his with you yesterday..he must have wondered around the forest." Dave said focusing on cleaning his sword. God George where the hell are you?. I was thinking where could have George gone to but i was intrupted by one of the guards shouting "PRINCE DREAM! IT'S GEORGE!" I quickly looked at the guard and followed him into the town. A lot of people seem scared and terrified..i was confused until i saw George...his eyes were red and there were blood everywhere.."G-George?" I tried to come closer to him but he backed away..this doesn't seem right...there must be something wrong with him. "BACK AWAY!" An old man shouted and people made way..he then threw something on George and George just suddenly screamed..his voice sounded demonic and a black smoke came out of him and after that he fell on the cold ground unconsious.."what was that?" I quickly walked up to George and starts to wake him up.."I'M SORRY!" Was the first thing he screamed when he opened his eyes. They were back to normal and once he sees the blood his expression quickly changed into terrified one.."w-what happen..?" He asked looking at the people.."you were posssesed..." the old man who threw something on George spoke. I heard whispers and the look on the people's face. "Possesed..? Only people with hate can be possesed right?" "George is a nice guy how cannthat be?" "Maybe he comitted a crime?" I saw George starting to tear up with all the questions and what people starting to think of him.."STOP! George is not a bad guy!" I shouted standing up for my best friend. "He did not comitted a crime..that demon was just powerful enough to control someone's body.."

George and i is sitting on couch in the castle..he's already cleaned up. "Dream..i-i didn't mean to kill t-that bear..." i looked at George with widen eyes "bear?" I asked not believing what i've just heard "I-i couldn't control my body and he started to say he will have enough energy from my body get revenge..." George said tearing up again..his eyes are already red and puffy(?) i started to rub his back as he sobs on his palms.."Prince Dream may i speak to George privately?" The old man asked and i just nod i looked over to George before i walked out of the room. "'He' who's 'he' is George talking about..?"I thought for a moment and remembered George dreams about an old women..

Third person POV

"so George..your telling me that someone whispered to you before it all happened?" The old man asked George and George responded with a nod.."hmm..what did it whisper to you..?" This Made George nervous.."h-he whispered to me 'Death, blood..h-hate'" George said.."hmm..well wear this bracelet to keep that demon away alright?" George just nod and put on the bracelet..

Two months later

George has recovered from what happened, it took him a long time to forget about it. He still wore the bracelet and he doesn't get those dreams he think nightmares. "Oh georgeeee~" "oh Dream~~" they both started to laugh at their flirty actions. They were having fun until a big explosion from outside the castle was heard and quickly George and Dream got up. They looked out and saw black shadows—George was terrified but Dream was not..hell he shows no emotion at all. "DREAM LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" Goerge shouted pulling Dream "Son!" Dream snap out of his imagination when he heard his name being called by his father. George and Dream bith looked at his father. "Go to the your room and move away your closet behind it there will be tunnels that will lead you to the enchanted forest now go!!" Dream's father started to take out something shiny and started to fight off some shadows Dream didn't have any option but to obey his father's orders. They made their way to Dream's room and moved the closet and a tunnel was there "let's go!" Dream said pulling George and blocking the way again with the closet. It was dark at first until George grabbed a stone and a stick and made fire with it. They made their way through the takes them a little longer until they got out. They go out from some bushes and they were in the forest.."what were those things..?" Dream mumbled to himself "demons." Dream looked over at George who is on a big rock and looking over the kingdom.."those are demons sent by the darklords.." George jumped off the rock and pulled Dream away from the castle. He has been wondering in forests but not in this forest..everything was like a dream. The sun shines and sunlight goes through some leaves from the trees. "This is some weird forest." George mumbled "that is why it's called enchanted forest—" "BUNNY!" Dream was caught off by someone shouting both George and Dream hid behind some bushes and they saw a bunny Jumping away and.."Darrly?!" George stand up and saw his friend Darrly who stopped and looked over at them "George! What are you doing here?" Darrly asked and Zak suddenly appear behind Dream scaring him whichh made Dream flinch. "Man he didn't even scream." Zak said pouting and walking beside Darrly "well let's go back to the kingdom—" Darrly was cut off by Dream and George shouting 'No!'  "Demons are there and i am sure they already take over the kingdom so WE CAN'T GO BACK THERE!" Darrly and Zak's Reaction was confusion to terrified one. "Well then let's go, we made a camp here." Darrly said walking to the forest and Zak, George and Dream following behind him.

Signs(Gream/DreamNotFound) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now