Chapter 4

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George looked at Dream with wide eyes, confusion can be seen in his eyes as Dream just stared at Zelk who looked confused and shocked same as George and the others. Zelk cleared his throat before he nod at Spifey. With that Spifey lead them to their room(wowie) in their way their George asked "Dream why would you ask that?" Dream just looked Him not answering, Dream looked dead serious which makes George feel awkward.."here we are..this is gonna be your room, you two." Spifey said pointing at Zak and Darrly,Zak just walked inside the room while Darrly looked shock and pouts before he goes in the room and closes the wooden door. "And that door over there is yours." Spifey said pointing at the door. Dream proceeds to walk to the room and George too but was held back by Spifey grabbing his arm. "C-can we talk privately?" He  asked looking down.."sure."

Right now George and Spifey is in a empty room, George made an excuse that he will just go tobthe bathroom. "So what you wanna talk about?" George asked looking at the Nervous squirel infront of him. "Thank you.." Spifey said which made George raise one brow "for what?" George asked confused as hell, this day is getting confusing for him. L"you see..i like Zelk but i can't tell him in words..i cam only look from a far.." Spifey said. "Oh, Then confess??" George said smiling, "i-i can't do that though..i'll get a right time to show him that i feel something for him." Spifey said.."well alright, is there anything else you wanna talk about?" George asked and Spifey just answered with a shake of his head. "Well i'll get going, it's already dark so goodnight." George said and Spifey just nod. George go to their room to see Dream laying on the bed. There is another bed. "He already fell asleep??" George whispered to himself before he walked over to Dream and looked at his face..his face is wonder full in George's eyes, and he's eyelashes is a bit long which fits his face. "If you keep staring at me, you might fall inlove." Dream spoke suddenly which made George flinch and back away with his face heating up. Dream saw this and laughed at his reaction. "Dang George am i to handsome that your turning into a tomato? Hahaha!" Dream wheezed  and George only send him glares and layed down after awhile, he is actually glad that Dream nonlonger has that serious face he put on when they were talking to the leader.

"Thank you, Zelk. For letting us stay. We shall get going on our quest." Dream said sternly. "You should bring foods too, we already packed your bags for the food. Yor welcome" Spifey spoke up and gave the friends the bag full of food and some other stuff that might help them to whoever knows their going. "Thank you." George said before he started to walk away with his friends. "You know they aren't that bad! They didn't force George to marry the leader yesterday!!" Darrly shouted. "Darrly shhh!!" Zak said covering Darrly's mouth with his hand. Meanwhile George is looking through the bag. "Wow they even put some knives here." George said he suddenly noticed that the bag seem big inside but small outside he pulled out something. " that a sword?" Zak asked looking at it. "IT CAME FROM THE GODDAMN BAG!" Zak shouted which Darrly replied with "language" "yeah..this bag must have magical thing." Dream spoke up pulling out his own sword. "Wow i have a bow.." Darrly said and looked at Zak "they must have heard our conversation.." Zak said looking serious about the topic "welp, at least they gave Darrly the good thing he needed right??" George said a bit nervous. "But still they shouldn't listen to our conversation!!" Zak shouted "whoa don't shout at him.." Dream said standing up for his best friend, Darrly is trying to stop the two from fighting until George stepped on some trap and was caught up by a rope..

George screech which caught the other's attention, they didn't notice that George was above them until they heard him shout. " me.." George was hanging upside down. "We just got out of Zelk's place and now i think were in someone else's territory." Darrly said looking around. "Who dares to trespass our land..?" They heard a voice from their behind and once they looked behind them they saw a looking sheep guy with a normal human being beside him with a bit messy hair. "U-uhm..we're just passing by—" the sheep looking guy looked up and saw George who is looking a bit sick. "Is that George—Wilbur put him down!!" The sheep looking guy shouted at the wilbur guy and the guy quickly cut the hiden rope and with that..George fell face first. "Owww.." Wilbur helped him up "uhm..jschlatt..why we helping them?" Wilbur asked his friend. "He is the person we have been waiting for, my friend.." Jschatt said. "Well then...follow us??" Wilbur said, actually it sounded like a question. "Alright." Darrly answered which made Zak punch him lightly on the arm. "Don't worry George, i know your father." George eyes widen and he followed jschatt. "You really know my father?" George asked and Jschatt answered with a nod "he also left something for you, we've searched for you for a long time.." George looked confused. Why of all the people they would search him for just something that his father left?? Maybe it was important to his father? "I know your confused but you'll get explinations later.." Wilbur said walking beside George. Dream, Darrly and Zak who is behind the tree talked about how suspisious these two are.

"Here you go George." Wilbur handed something long and a bit thick(oooh—get your mind in the right place people xD) to George, it was wrapped with clothe. He slowly opened it with his friends behind him watching him closely. It was a wizard stick with a gem at it's end. "This was left by your father and wanted us to give this to you..this was once his." George looked at Jschatt. "Thank you.." George said "this is also the book of spells your father owns." George took the book and looked through the pages. "We hope to see you use that to protect this city of ours.." Wilbur said before they left. "That is so awesome dude!!" Zak shouted looking at the wizard stick "this is mind blowing..your father was a wizard and you never told us?" Darrly asked his eyes stuck at the wizard stick "never really knew myself until now.." George said rubbing the stick(-._-. You better not—) Dream suddenly spoke "why don't you try a spell?" George put down the stick and opened the book and read the first easiest spell. "Alright.." George put down the book and grabbed his stick. Getting into a position.."umangat ka.." George mumbled and blue looking fairy dust came out of his weapon and mad the chairs to float. His friends were just shock at this very moment. "What the actual frick..." Zak whispered looking at the floating chairs. But it didn't last long because George got scared and was out of focus so the chairs fell down. "You need to focus on your spells." Dream said walking over to George. "Come on..we need a place to stay for the night—AGAIN" Dream said "We sleep in another place where people and magical creatures live hoorey.." Zak said a bit sarcastic. "We didn't want this ok?" George said before he walked out with the book..

"Oooh..look at you....your all grown up." A womens voice said which spooks George and he almost fall into the river. "W-who are you..?" The womens eyes looked sad. "I'm..your fathers friend...he is a great man, he looks just like you know that?" The women said before she sat down beside George, she saw the blue mark on george neck. "It seems like you have your soulmates mark huh?" George quickly looked at the women. "What do you mean..?" George asked confused. "I can see the mark that says your soulmate is near you, or you know them." The women said "it lights up when you and your soulmate is close. That is how you will know your soulmate." The women said before she sighed. "I remember how happy your father was when he found out his soulmate was your mother. Happiness can be seen in his eyes.." the women said. "Oh." George only responded with that. "Well i gotta go. I hope you do well on your adventure." George wanted to ask more questions but the Girl turned into a pigion and fly off.."George! Dream and Zak is fighting with wolves!!" Darrly shouted and with that George and Darrly quickly ran to where they were Dream has wound on his left arm and on his cheek while Zak has bruises on his leg "these wolves are super fast.." Dream said panting. George quickly tackled the wolf that jumped to attack Dream. The wolf was on top of him and the wolf eyes were the same color as George eyes..the wolf slowly got off George and George sat up. The wolves looked at each other before they all sat down and looked at George with respect?? Is George seeing things or what? "What are they doing..?" Dream asked who is now beside his best friend George. "Their showing their respect to the person who they are waiting for.." Wilbur who suddenly appear said.
"The fuck does that mean?" Dream couldn't help but swear at this situation because of all the things happening to them.

Oh my i haven't updated for two days ;w; am sorry. Though here you are another confusion -w- also you guys who have dirty mind—i'll clean your minds. *sprays a christian server water all over this place* that is all for today uwu also i got the photo in this from pinterest so i don't know who made it sorry ;-; but still credits to them, this is short sorry—

Signs(Gream/DreamNotFound) unfinishedWhere stories live. Discover now