Last free moment

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I was shaking in fear and excitement. The adrenaline pumping through my heart. I heard the men and their whips cracking close to my herd. The men's horses were breathing in gulps and by the way their legs sounded it was obvious that they were extremely exhausted and won't be able to keep up their pace much longer. I found this to our advantage and took the chance to collect the herd and run in the opposite direction of the men. What I did not know is that there were men coming from all ways so that they caught any horse from any direction.
As we came out of the forest we came head on to the men and the trusty steeds or so they thought. I called out to the men's horses to help us. Most of them did by stoping in their tracks others had a bucking fit while some took off in the other direction. But the most reliable of them kept coming towards us. I kept calling out to them but they ignored us and made like a fence around us so we couldn't get out. The nice horses called out and said sorry while the snobby ones laugh at us and said things like suckers and stuff I do not want to repeat ever again. They drove us in their fence like position to a fence area that had tremendously high fences that not even I could jump. I was so scared. I screamed out in pain as I stopped and got hit by a whip. I took off with great speed but ran into him.

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