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The guys P.O.V
"Round them up fellas" I called out to my men. I called out just as I saw her! She is a palomino ruffly around the age of 2 and very strong and powerful. She looked like a shifter and as she got closer I saw she was a relative of mine. I was supposedly killed by werewolfs years ago and I made an agreement with them so they set me free but I had a sister she was 7 at the time and she was left all alone. As she came closer she stopped frozen in her tracks and lowered her head in greeting. She knew I could tell. I can't let her be riden and capture I just can't.

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo sorry guys it took so long to update I have been a bit busy and had writers block. I will try and update more from now on.

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