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It is him I know it. But how... How did he survive. He was suspected to be killed. If he's not killed does that mean that my other family are not dead and are still alive too.

He gave me a sad smile and a wink.

Does he know that I'm spirit he's sister.

I was just staring at him when I felt a hard crack and a scream from one of my herd. I turn around in a flash and bolted to were I heard it. I whined in rage and kept running until I got within striking distance and bite the jerk on the arm an kicked him as hard as I could. I heard a sickening sound and found I had knocked him over and Brocken his ribs. I then rushed over to the little filly that got separated from her mother and steered her in the right path back to her mother her.

I am sooooooooooooooooooooo sorry. I amso sorry it took so long and then is so short. I rushed to get this up. Sorry.
Anyway I'm going back to school in two days so updates are going to be not very good and you will have to wait a while but please keep reading. Oh and before I forget 200 HUNDRED READS OMFG. Thank you so much since this story is so bad I was totally like OMFG I CANT BELIEVE IT. Every time I come on here there's more reads. So thanks so much. And somehow this authors note feels as big as the chapter I just wrote. Whoooops.
lilylorie Xx

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