They Realize They Like You (DR1)

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Someone requested this i don't remember who lol.

nO ThAT'S WrOng: When all of his friends made him realize because they all knew before he did.

CEO of who tf asked: When you figured out a business issue that he couldn't while you were working for him.

Best Boy of DR1: When you encouraged him to follow his dreams of picking up music instead of playing baseball.

Magic DrUggIe✨🔮: He goes with the excuse "I predicted it", but really it was when you complimented him one time while you guys were hanging out.

That is not allowed in a sCHOOL ENVIRONMENT-: When you thanked him for helping you study for a test.

Buttery Cornhead: When he found out you owned a motorcycle and actually take care of it.

I know I'm updating a lot today. Hope y'all are happy ldkekfkc.

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