Things They Do That Annoy You (DR1)

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E g g: Whenever you state something that's not right, he'll correct you.

Bitch ass hoe: He usually acts like a asshole to the people around him even when you're with him. Also he's not one for fun, so anytime you go on dates you have to drag him.

Best THH Boy ✨🥰: He practices music at like 1am when you're trying to sleep.

MagIcaL dRuGs, YUm: He always thinks that him being the ultimate clairvoyant will solve most things even though he's usually wrong.

n o r u n n i n g i n t h e h a l l s: He never wants to break the rules, even if it won't affect anyone but him if you do.

buttery cornhead: he acts different around his friends than he does when you two are alone.

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