Vines (DR1)

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(These are vines that is something they would say before they met you or vines that he currently says with you. Or they just go with the character)


Mako T O E:
M: Uhh that is not correct...because according to the encyclopedia of ekdndjndnsncn.

Imma slap this bitch ass hoe if he don't stfu:

B: You remember one time I liked you?

Y/N: No.

B: gOOD cuz it never happened.

Y/N: Oh 😔

B: aHA  Hooo 🖕🏻

Still best DR1 boy:

L: *Throws frisbee*

Y/N: What the fUCK Leon??!?

Magic Drug Boi:

Y/N: This kid's definitely on drugs right now. *Throws basketball*

Y: yyyAHH.

Y/N: *Throws another*

Y: YAAaaaHhhH

nO rUnnIng iN tHe HaLLs:

Y/N: MOthEr tRucker DudE! ThAt Hurt LiKe a ButtcHeek oN a STICK!!

T: WatCh yO pRofaniTY!

Buttery Cornhead:

M: *Playing guitar* I LoVe yoU bItchh! I ain't never gonna stop lovin yOu Bitchhhh!

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