Chapter 2: The Odd One Out

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Mom, dad, Jamie and Aidan were staring at me as if I had just come out of a rock. As I looked around I noticed that everyone had red devil horns and a tail on their cheek. I picked up marble the mirror lying on the table, put my brown, hair behind my ear and looked at my reflection. NO WAY! I thought to myself while staring at my cheek. I-I'm an ANGEL. "How could I possibly be an angel??" I was filling up with so many different emotions.

"I am your child, aren't I?" I said while I terribly tried to hold back my tears but it was so unbearable. A flood of tears just came down. My dad looked very angry and confused at my mom and tried to reassure me by saying "they probably got it mixed up" but at that moment I had just about enough.

"ANSWER ME!" I shouted. "AM I YOUR CHILD OR NOT?" My face was bright red like a tomato, full of anger and disappointment and sadness. At that very moment I ran up to my room and slammed the door as loudly as I could. I shoved my bum against the door so no one can get in. I could hear the footsteps of my mom and dad coming up the stairs.

Knocking on the door gently, my dad said "sweetie can you please open the door so we can have a chat".

Through the door I shouted "GET THE HELL AWAY. I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU!!" Then for a moment there was complete silence.

"Are they gone?" I thought to myself. Slowly I creaked my room door open to get a peak outside. No one was there. That moment I jumped into bed, hid under my covers and I cried until I fell asleep.

During the night I woke up to the sound of shouting. I tiptoed my way downstairs to the room where the noise was coming from and placed my ear against the door. It was mom and dad. They were fighting!! They had never fought before in the day time or at night.

"Did you cheated on me??!!!" I heard my dad shout loudly my mom. "She is not actually my CHILD OK!" I heard my mom say. WHAT!! Am I actually hearing what I think I am hearing? I am not her real child ?? HOW ON EARTH COULD THIS BE?? I said out loud. Oh sh*t. I blew my cover. I could hear their footsteps coming towards the door. I had to think really quick. I hid behind one of the flower vases in the corner of the room. I could see mom and dad looking around the room to see if anyone was there. Then they went back inside the kitchen. "Phew. That was a close one" I thought to myself. I went back up to the door and placed my ear up against the door again. It was my mom talking.

"As I was saying, she is not my actual child. It was surrogacy. The biological mother of Jasmine died days before she was born due to a car crash and I felt bad since she'd have to go to an orphanage so I decided to keep the baby. I mean how else did you think I got the $75,000? And you were in Iran for war. " What is surrogacy? I asked Siri. Surrogacy involves a woman agreeing to carry a baby for someone else. WHATT??!! That means I'm adopted. Or am I ? I mean technically she's not me biological mom but at the same time she did give birth to me. I heard them turn off the T. V. "Oh no! They are coming. I quickly stumbled my way back up the stairs, into my bedroom and under my blanket. When mom and dad came to check on me to see if I was awake, I pretended to be asleep. Luckily I didn't get caught. 

The next day was ... VERY... VERY STRANGE. When I went downstairs to go have breakfast, mom, dad, Jamie and Aidan ignored me. As if I wasn't there. Jamie and Aidan were even giving me dirty looks like I was some freak who came out of nowhere. Usually when we are having breakfast we would have a family conversation, but this time it was complete silence. In fact, all eyes were on me. It was like they were looking into my soul. After having breakfast I personally asked Jamie an Aidan if they know why is everyone ignoring me. Which Jamie replied with "it's because you're a freak". I asked him what he meant by that and Aidan replied me by saying "We heard what mom and dad  were talking about last night ". "And we think that it's totally disgusting" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. They are acting like I was some type of freak.

The next two days were even worse than before. This time if I even got close to Jamie, Aidan, mom or dad they will just look me up and down and walk away. That same day well in my room scrolling through TikToks, I could hear some chatting downstairs. I went down to the door and I couldn't believe my ears. Mum, dad, Jamie and Aidan were arguing, over ME!! "We have to get rid of her". I heard my dad say. I was in disbelief. They wanted to get rid, OF ME??!! I accidentally leaned on the door handle, launching me onto the floor. They all just stared at me.

I tried to play it off by walking over to the fruit bowl and saying "I was just trying to get some fruit but the door was stuck" and grabbed an apple and left.

That night I had a very scary nightmare. It felt so real. It was like people were trying to attack me. All of a sudden I woke up. I could hear some mumbling noises. I got up from my bed and headed towards the noise. They are coming from mom and dads room.

I could hear mom say "this is our only hope to get rid of that freak. We can't be seen with her". I slowly open the door and... OH .... MY.... GOSH!! What in the world!! I cannot believe my eyes.

Before you go: I just want to say thank you for reading this chapter I really appreciate it. You can show some love by voting on this and you can comment your suggestions and what you would like me to change.
Thank you so much for reading this.
From Martha.😊😘

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